Saturday, March 7, 2015

Articles: The Green Left's Fascist Roots

Articles: The Green Left's Fascist Roots

The Green Left's Fascist Roots


The current presidential administration and State Department have been long touting
that global warming/climate change are just as dangerous as Russian
bears and Islamic terrorists. In February 2014, Secretary of State John
Kerry addressed Asian leaders
in Jakarta by informing them, “Climate change can now be considered
another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps the world’s most fearsome
weapon of mass destruction.” With such attitudes, is it any wonder the
east-west divide all the way from the Middle East to Ukraine in the
north is literally on fire with no promising solution or relief to be
found anywhere on the horizon?  While common sense cries out that the
world is entering into very serious times not seen since perhaps World
War II, America has a presidential administration and a State Department
seemingly far more concerned about global warming/climate change than
the cauldron that has erupted in the Middle East, and the seething
geopolitical dangers that could easily blow up all of Europe itself. 

Worse, leftist pressure has made the U.S. military go green over the last decade. The U.S. armed forces are now buying more and more energy from expensive renewable technology contractors. Presumably by 2025,
the U.S. Army will become a virtual green model of sustainability for
the entire country. In other words, the Left is using the Defense
Department to keep renewable energy boondoggles afloat by wasting
taxpayer dollars on green pipe dreams.  It would be far better to hook
up the U.S. military to the Keystone Pipeline and base it squarely upon Frack Nation principles and practices so that the army will not be dependent upon foreign oil. 

common sense, of course, would be an intellectual affront to Leftist
elites who have imbibed deeply from modern environmentalism since the
1960’s.  All too many of them believe primeval nature represents some
kind of lost natural purity that requires the destruction of capitalism.
Even worse, they also believe Nature itself knows best when it comes to
public policy. Both presumptions are myths of the modern leftist
imagination that have perverted science and politics to the point where
politicians can now trumpet climate change as a very serious national
security threat without blushing. Only the mindlessness of Nature can
explain such credulity.

many on the Left do not appreciate is that when they started to jump on
the bandwagon of Nature and environmentalism, they began to drift more
and more toward fascism and away from their original humanistic
workingman class-warfare Marxian values. Fascism essentially means holism, which denies the otherness of the human being from nature. In fact, it was the father of German Social Darwinism, Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), who coined the term “ecology” in 1866. 

the early 1900s, Haeckel established the German Monist League, which
was one of the first politically-active groups in both racial science
and environmentalism. Monism means “one” and many Germans at the time
believed that Darwinism established racism as a scientific fact. As
such, eugenics became the scientific methodology
that was to be used in order to restore humanity’s racial evolution
that had been compromised by the Judeo-Christian worldview and her
unnatural beliefs and practices. Allegedly promoted by Jews and
Christians, humanism had led the modern world astray away from the
scientific natural laws of evolutionary monism, i.e., racism, which
needed to be recovered in order to save Aryan Europe from weakness,
overpopulation, and inevitable decline. In those days, German Social
Darwinism was called Monism, and many of Germany’s early greens were environmental racists and nationalists.

While there were some nuances that distinguished the Monist League
from National Socialism, the Nazis drank deeply from Haeckel’s Social
Darwinism. More than a few Nazis were very attracted to what has to be
understood as an early form of environmentalism as well. With the
exception of Martin Bormann, all the leading Nazis, including the Führer himself,
had their fingers in a piece of the green pie that National Socialism
offered to Germany -- everything from animal rights to green hunting
laws, to environmental preservation and planning, to green building and a
back-to-the-land farming campaign, organic farming, recycling,
sustainable forestry, and even sustainable development. As early as
1935, Nazi Germany was far and above the greenest regime on the planet.
Eco-fascism is thus no metaphor, but a historical fact.

In theory at least, even the dreaded ‘local only’ Four Year economic war plan (1936-40),
was to be carried out under the auspices of sustainable development,
something which the Nazi brass called “spatial planning”. After the fall
of Stalingrad, in his infamous “Total War Speech” delivered in 1943, even Nazi propaganda Chief Dr. Josef Goebbels
(1897-1945) complained, “The war of mechanized robots against Germany
and Europe has reached its high point.” He went on to say, “The German
nation is fighting for everything it has. We know that the German people
are defending their holiest possessions: their families, women and
children, the beautiful and untouched countryside, their cities and
villages, their two thousand year old culture, everything indeed that
makes life worth living.” In other words, in the Nazi mind, defending
the fatherland included defending its environmental treasures.

fact of the matter is, the modern green movement did not spring into
worldwide action out of nowhere in the 1960s with Rachel Carson and the
hippie movement. Modern environmentalism is largely rooted in Germany
like a giant oak tree that tapped into German Romanticism, Existentialism,
and Social Darwinism that flowered in the European continent throughout
the 1800s -- all three of which valued Nature over people and laid the
foundation of what is otherwise known as the green movement today. 
While Nazi racism is now in the rear-view mirror, it has been replaced
with an anti-humanist agenda, but environmental tribalism can still be
seen in its veritable worship of all things indigenous hiding behind the
doctrine of multiculturalism. In other words, multiculturalism is
better understood as a form of multitribalism as it celebrates the
differences and attacks the classic universal American melting pot
ideals where such ethnic considerations are reduced to a lower level of
importance. In short, the evolution from the early German green movement
steeped in racism of the 1800s to the multicultural indigenous
environmentalism of the 1900s is not much of an improvement. 

related, one of the original gurus who championed the cause of
environmentalism over national security concerns was German green
activist Dr. Erich Hornsmann (1909-1999). In postwar West Germany, Hornsmann often complained
that the destruction of Mother Nature was “Enemy Number One.” In 1947,
Hornsmann became a founding member of the Protection of German Forests.
In 1955, he wrote The Forest: The Foundation of our Existence. He
warned of spreading desertification problems associated with the
cutting down of trees and expanding ski resorts on mountain slopes. Dr.
Hornsmann even led the postwar charge on promoting radical water
conservation measures. Hornsmann also belonged to the Alliance for the
Protection of German Waters and wrote extensively on how water was
becoming an increasingly scarce commodity. Hornsmann applied Malthusian
math to the waters of Germany as he was convinced water consumption
would outstrip water supplies as personal usage of it skyrocketed with
ever-increasing showers and baths. Industry itself wasted more water
than entire cities combined. 

Hornsmann also wrote an apocalyptic environmental book entitled, Otherwise Collapse: The Answer of the Earth to the Abuse of Her Laws. To
counteract the green catastrophe looming just around the corner,
Hornsmann was convinced that environmental land use planning was
absolutely required to avoid doomsday. Much of the apocalyptic
environmentalism so rampant in today’s political world goes back to
Germany and rabid environmentalists like Dr. Hornsmann. After the war,
the German greens became extremely vitriolic, since Germany had been
bombed into oblivion with an industrial destruction never seen before in
the history of the world. That the capitalistic Americans wound up with
the nuclear bomb only made Germans more apocalyptic in fervor.

Hornsmann’s ahistorical environmental record from the 1930s and 40s is
highly suspicious. Not much is known about his actions during the heyday
of the green Nazi movement of the 1930s, but it is highly likely he was
deeply involved in one way or another. Eco-fascist greens like Martin Heidegger, Guenther Schwab, and Alfred Toepfer have
been already been caught in a web of lies, deceit, and denial. Whatever
the exact case may be on how much of a Nazi was green Dr. Hornsmann,
what is known is that he sent a postcard to a relative in Bloomington,
New Jersey on Hitler’s 50th birthday stating, “We think of you sincerely
on a great Day!  We must pity, however, ‘God’s own country’ as long as
it is ruled and exploited by Jews and their servants.” 

Even the father of deep ecology, Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) complained of America’s ‘Abrahamic’ use of the land in his famous book called The Sand County Almanac written
in 1947. Unbeknownst to many, Nazi Germany gave Leopold an
all-expense-paid trip to the fatherland in 1935 so he that could observe
the new environmental direction the Third Reich was implementing.
Leopold was generally impressed with what the Nazis were doing. Not only did Leopold drag home the “Never Cry Wolf
cult from Nazi Germany, he also wrote the Germans, unlike the
Americans, were actually doing something about environmental problems,
not just talking about them. Nazi Germany was the first country in the
world to protect wolves. The Führer fancied himself as “Uncle Wolf."

Mark Musser is a contributing writer for the Cornwall Alliance,
which is a coalition of clergy, theologians, religious leaders,
scientists, academics, and policy experts committed to bringing a
balanced biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of
environment and development. Mark is the author of Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust and Wrath or Rest: Saints in the Hands of an Angry God.

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