Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blog: Strange Allies in the War on Carbon Fuels

Blog: Strange Allies in the War on Carbon Fuels


Strange Allies in the War on Carbon Fuels

great cause could unite Prince Charles, President Obama, the Pope, the
Arab Oil sheiks, the United Nations, the European Union, the Russians,
the Chinese, Pacific Island Nations, most undeveloped countries, the
glitterati of Hollywood, left-wing politicians, unrepentant reds,
government media, the climate research industry, Big Oil, Big Gas, and
the Green Blob? It must be something posing a clear and urgent danger to
all humanity?

No, the crusade that unites them all is the War on Carbon Fuels, focussed mainly on that most vilified target, coal.

The biggest group, and the generals in this war on carbon, have no real
interest in the facts or science of global climate change – they see
climate alarmism as a great opportunity to achieve their goal of
creating an unelected global government. They have even laid out their
plans in a document called Agenda 21. This group naturally includes the
United Nations and all of its subsidiaries, the EU, and left-wing
politicians and media everywhere. At a news conference in Brussels
recently, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework
Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental
activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but “to
change the economic development model” ie destroy what is left of free
enterprise and private property.

The next big group of carbon warriors is the anti-Western failed states
who see this as their big chance to enrich and entrench their ruling
classes with “climate reparations”.

Then there are the enviro-entrepreneurs forever seeking new crusades to
energise their supporters and get the donations rolling in – Greenpeace,
WWF, Get Up etc...

In the dark corner are the anti-human Malthusians and the Deep Greens
who want to get rid of most of us other people -- personified by the
rich and powerful such as Prince Charles and Maurice Strong. They know
that carbon fuels support millions of people by cultivating, harvesting,
transporting, processing, and storing most of the food that supports
the cities of the world. Killing the use of carbon fuels will certainly
achieve their goal of reduced world population.

Naturally, government media usually support a bigger role for
government, and all media like a scare story. Truth or logic does not
matter greatly for most of them -- just so long as they can coax a
looming disaster story from someone. The daily diet of natural
calamities soon heightens climate anxiety, which then motivates
politicians to be seen to be “doing something”.

And then there are those who see that fighting carbon fuels also suits
their pockets. As someone said “When placing a bet, the best horse to
back is the one called ‘Self-interest’ -- at least you know he is

For example, Shell, with its massive gas interests, was caught
campaigning against coal-fired power, the main competitor of gas in
electricity generation. Arab Oil interests were caught funding a film
attacking their competitors -- shale oil fracking in America; and a
Russian oil company was exposed funding U.S. anti-carbon green groups.

The Chinese of course are great supporters of green energy as long as it
is installed elsewhere - e.g. they supply the machines and solar panels
and then welcome the factories forced from the host country by soaring
electricity prices.

Gas, nuclear, and hydro power will be the greatest long-term
beneficiaries of the war on coal. Initially, they will be needed to
provide base load and back up for intermittent green power like wind and
solar. Then as green subsidies are withdrawn to appease angry
taxpayers, the green play-toys will fail and grown-up generators will
step easily into full-time electricity production.

Finally, the government bureaucracy and the research grants industry
justify their existence by “solving community crises”. They love “The
Climate Crisis” because it can be blamed for any weather event anytime,
anywhere. It is unlikely to be solved, no matter how many dollars are
thrown at it -- a problem that does not exist can never be “solved”. And
the sinister “Greenhouse Effect”, like any good ghost, is invisible,
mysterious in operation, debatable, and allows anyone to produce their
own scare story.

Opposing this coalition of climate alarmists and opportunists is a
rag-tag army of stressed tax payers and electricity consumers and a
scattering of sceptical scientists and media researchers.

But the imposing alarmist empire has a hollow heart -- the globe has
refused to warm, the alarmist “science” is crumbling, their climate
models are discredited, some researchers have been caught manipulating
records and results, and the costs of green electricity are becoming
obvious and onerous. The public is growing restive, governments can no
longer afford the climate industry cuckoo in the public nest and the
ranks of sceptics grow. Groups like UKIP in UK and the Tea Party in U.S.
have abandoned the war on carbon.

The climate revolt is spreading.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Articles: Manufacturing Outrage

Articles: Manufacturing Outrage

Manufacturing Outrage

Manufacturing outrage is the modus operandi
of Obama and Democrats.  Liberal media are their tools.  The result has
been destruction, pain and murder.  And the worse is yet to come.

last six years have seen an explosion of faux controversies generated
by Democrats.  Aside from political ads attacking opponents (Paul Ryan
pushing grandma and her wheelchair off a cliff; Romney as a bully,
homophobe, dog abuser and carcinogenic (I may have missed a few
calumnies).  Before those defamations, it was Sarah Palin who endured
unceasing attacks.  And before that it was Obama’s two opponents for the Senate who were targets of ginned up outrage.

There also have been campaigns that have attacked broad groups of Americans. 

the purported epidemic of rape by privileged whites on college
campuses.  Then there was a fictitious gender gap in wages between men
and women.  Aren’t there enough wars around the world without having to
start (un)civil wars in America?

most disgraceful use of this strategy has been the deliberate stoking
of black rage against whites.  Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown became
martyrs not perpetrators.  Al Sharpton was anointed healer-in-chief and
Obama’s point man on race (the arsonist becomes the fire department
chief -- such are the perversions Barack Obama has inflicted on
America).  Barack Obama has fanned the flames by comments such as “racism is deeply rooted in American society
and his Attorney General Eric Holder has race-baited throughout his
tenure, routinely claiming civil rights violations at the height of the
strife triggered by the deaths of Martin and Brown -- and routinely
being frustrated by the facts.  Joe Biden told a black audience that
“Republicans are “going to put y’all back in chains.”  Police have borne the brunt of these malicious attacks, all but accused of being Ku Klux Klansmen in blue. 

these slanders were meant to play on people’s worst emotions. fear and
envy, and generate votes for the delectation of Democrats, costs to this
country from this  artificial outrage be damned.  All were lies. 

They are manifestations of a ploy dreamt up by Barack Obama’s White House Senior Adviser (at the time) David Plouffe, as the Weekly Standard noted last year:

Last week, National Journal reporter
Major Garrett provided an interesting explanation for the White House’s
obsession with promoting a dubious statistic on the alleged “pay gap”
between men and women.  The White House has repeatedly claimed that
women earn 77 cents for every dollar that men earn.  Such “war on women”
rhetoric has no doubt proved inspiring to many single women, the
Democrats’ most crucial voting bloc.  (Republicans still enjoy an
advantage among married women.) 

as has been repeatedly pointed out, once you control for a number of
confounding factors in the data, including the degree to which women
drop in and out of the workforce to attend to marital and parental
duties, the pay gap all but evaporates.  Even the usually credulous
D.C.  press corps was scratching their heads over the White House’s
misleading rhetoric.  The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus -- not
exactly the face of conservative opposition to Obama -- called the White
House’s use of the stat “revolting.” But as Garrett explains, the Obama
administration deliberately sought to create controversy:

White House was] desperate to inject the issue into the political
bloodstream and amplify otherwise doomed Senate Democratic efforts to
make it easier for women to sue and win damages for workplace pay
differences.  The controversy that played out on front pages, social
media, TV, and radio did just that. 
is the White House theory of “Stray Voltage.” It is the brainchild of
former White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe, whose methods loom
large long after his departure.  The theory goes like this: Controversy
sparks attention, attention provokes conversation, and conversation
embeds previously unknown or marginalized ideas in the public
false allegations are amplified by the usual suspects: liberal media
outlets, bloggers, Democratic Party operatives masquerading as think
tank “experts” (The Center for American Progress, a George
Soros-creation, is among the worst of the lot; it has been described as Obama’s Idea Factory
and has also been a revolving door for Obama’s key officials).  Lies
are streamed through the social networks that Obama and the Democrats
have spread throughout America.  Narrowcasting has empowered liars as
never before.

Truth does not matter.  As the great Winston Churchill
said “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance
to get its pants on.”  Even when purveyors of the false allegations are
compelled to issue “corrections” they are ignored.  Few people read
fact-checkers such as the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who routinely
hands out awards to Obama and his minions: Pinocchios.  We might read
about Obama’s Grammy and Nobel Peace Prize, but how about his Lie of the
Year, bestowed upon him by PolitiFact.com, for his repeated claims that “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it”?

facts do not seem to matter to Democrats, only rage that can motivate
people to vote for them.  Their leader Barack Obama is a con man who thinks Americans are stupid people, susceptible to believing any stories he peddles.

of these outrage fabricators appear to be disciples of Saul Alinsky
(Hillary Clinton actually shares this ideological kinship with Barack
Obama) who wrote, “it’s up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.”

was clearly Obama’s strategy from the get-go.  When executives of AIG,
an insurer bailed out by the government, were awarded bonuses, people
were understandably upset if not enraged.  When asked how he would quell
this anger, President Obama said he was not interested in calming the

don't want to quell anger.  People are right to be angry.  I'm angry. 
What I want us to do is channel our anger in a constructive way."

Of course, what is one man’s constructive path may be another man’s destructive path.

so it has been throughout Obama’s presidency.  He has never missed an
opportunity to manufacture outrage.  When there have not been existing
“sores of discontent” he creates them.  After all, that is the logical
next step when there is no discontent to manipulate -- create it.

The latest example of his modus operandi
has been the agitprop he has poured out regarding the invitation
extended to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak to Congress
regarding the dangers of Islamic extremism (see my blog
entry that Boehner blindsided Obama on Netanyahu invitation was
manufactured agitprop).  Barack Obama -- the most thin-skinned, petty
and prickly of our presidents -- considers this trivial incident a
diplomatic affront.  The White House invented the tale of Netanyahu’s
supposed outrageous behavior to blunt any unwelcome criticism of Barack
Obama’s surrender to the mullahs.  The White House deliberately
manufactured this spat with Netanyahu.

is manufactured taking of offense is ironic coming from a man who gum
chews while at solemn occasions with foreign leaders, took selfies
during the funeral ceremony for Nelson Mandela, handed Queen Elizabeth
an iPod loaded with his own speeches as a gift from the American people,
insults Indians for racism in their nation while on an official visit, sent the bust of Winston Churchill out the White House door, mistreated then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, accused Canada of being greedy for wanting to export their oil-and on and on.

For some reason, the White House routinely manufactures outrage when it comes to Israel (see How Obama is turning America Against Israel for other examples). 

what has been the result of this manipulation, this appeal to people’s
most base emotions? Arson and damage in Ferguson and elsewhere (usually
in areas and among people who can least afford such wanton
destruction).  Americans believe race relations have worsened under
Barack Obama, and that is blowback from the onslaught of disparaging
whites as racists and scapegoating them as the culprits behind problems
afflicting the African-American community.  Obama and Democrats who have
irresponsibly played the race card for political gain have poisoned race relations in America

The anti-police hysteria fomented by many Democrats, including New York City Mayor De Blasio (see Heather MacDonald’s superb “The Mayor who slandered the Police”), Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, reached a fever pitch and led to the murder of two New York policemen.

fact, in one area --and one area only -- has he tried to quell anger. 
That would be any anger towards Islamic extremism.  In that no-go zone
he has done his best to manufacture apathy or ignorance or willful
blindness.  Why?

good news is that Americans have finally begun to realize they have
been manipulated.  Democrats manufacture outrage, but like most tools it
has begun to wear out its usefulness.  Americans have learned that
where there is smoke there is not necessarily fire -- in fact, it might
just be smoke blown in our faces.

The resounding defeat of Democrats in November was a sign of better things to come, one hopes.