Monday, January 4, 2021

Climate Change Causation And The Scientific Method | Climate Change Dispatch

Climate Change Causation And The Scientific Method | Climate Change Dispatch


Climate Change Causation And The Scientific Method

roman empire

 Let’s have yet another go at trying to apply the scientific method to the subject of causation of climate change. This is just basic logic, and not that complicated. We can do it.

As simple and basic as this is, you will shortly see that the agglomeration of all of the world’s leading “climate scientists” can’t figure it out. They are completely lost and befuddled. Check me and see if I’m wrong.

The proposition we are addressing is the one for which you see a constant drumbeat of advocacy. It runs something like, “the climate is changing, and we are the cause.” OK, nobody denies that the climate is changing; but how about the “we are the cause” part? What is the proof?

Let’s apply the scientific method. We start with the basic maxim that “correlation does not prove causation.” Instead, causation is established by disproof of all relevant alternative (“null”) hypotheses.

Everybody knows how this works from drug testing. We can’t prove that drug A cures disease X by administering drug A a thousand times and observing that disease X almost always goes away.

Disease X might have gone away for other reasons, or on its own. Even if we administer drug A a million times, and disease X almost always goes away, we have only proved correlation, not causation.

To prove causation, we must disprove the null hypothesis by testing drug A against a placebo. The placebo represents the null hypothesis that something else (call it “natural factors”) is curing disease X.

When drug A is significantly more effective at curing disease X than the placebo, then we have disproved the null hypothesis and established, at least provisionally, the effectiveness of drug A.

Back to climate change. The hypothesis is “humans are causing significant climate change.” An appropriate null hypothesis would be “observed climate change can be fully explained by some combination of natural factors.” How might you test this?

The most obvious test would be to ask, in Earth’s recent history, has it been warmer than the present — the present having been the subject of significant human greenhouse gas emissions?

If periods in the recent past prior to human emissions have been warmer than the present, then quite obviously some combination of “natural factors” is sufficient to bring about temperatures as warm or warmer than we are experiencing.

And it doesn’t matter whether or not we know what the alternative “natural factors” might be, any more than, in the failed drug trial, it matters whether or not we know why the placebo beat the experimental drug.

In the failed drug trial, it could have been the human immune system, or it could have been gut bacteria, or it could have been the weather, or anything else. The fact is that, whatever they might have been, the “natural factors” outperformed the experimental drug.

For the test of the climate hypothesis, consider a December 28 blog post from retired physicist Ralph Alexander titled: “New Evidence That Ancient Climate Was Warmer Than Today’s.”

Alexander summarizes the results of two recent studies:

The Margaritelli et al piece analyzes proxy data from “fossilized amoeba skeletons found in seabed sediments” to reconstruct Mediterranean Sea temperatures over the past 2000 years.

“The ratio of magnesium to calcium in the skeletons is a measure of the seawater temperature at the time the sediment was deposited; a timeline can be established by radiocarbon dating.”


With the exception of the Aegean data, the results all show distinct warming during the Roman period from 0 CE to 500 CE, when temperatures were about 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than the average for Sicily and western Mediterranean regions in later centuries, and much higher than present-day Sicilian temperatures.

The Baraniuk study, from Norway, analyzes large new finds of ancient artifacts, including arrows, arrowheads, and clothing, that have been revealed by recent retreats of glaciers in that country.

But of course, the existence of the artifacts in these areas implies that the areas were not covered in ice at the time the artifacts were deposited:

That the artifacts come from several different periods separated by hundreds or thousands of years implies that the ice and snow in the region must have expanded and receded several times over the past 6,000 years. During the Holocene Thermal Maximum, which occurred from approximately 10,000 to 6,000 years ago and preceded the period of the stunning Norwegian discoveries, global temperatures were higher yet. In upper latitudes, where the most reliable proxies are found, it was an estimated 2-3 degrees Celsius (3.6-5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than at present.

Whether 2,000 years ago (the Roman Warm Period) or 6,000 years ago (the Holocene Thermal Maximum), these periods clearly long preceded any significant human greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

Obviously, then, some combination of “natural factors,” whatever they may be, is sufficient to cause terrestrial temperatures to increase to levels as high or higher than we are experiencing today, in the era of human use of fossil fuels.

I should mention that the two papers discussed by Alexander are just the latest of many dozens of studies giving evidence for the proposition that times in the recent geologic past — either the Medieval Warm period, or the Roman Warm Period, or the Holocene Thermal Maximum — were warmer than today.

One collection of many papers, mostly focusing on the Medieval Warm Period, can be found at Craig Idso’s CO2 Science website.

You would think that the mainstream climate “science” would be focused like a laser beam on trying to deal with these early periods that were warmer than today. But instead, these guys have almost entirely taken a different approach.

They call their approach “detection and attribution.” Of many examples of the art, here is a major paper from 2018, sponsored by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with the title “Detection of Climate Change and Attribution of Causes.”

The authors are a who’s who of the official climate establishment, including the likes of Phil Jones, Michael Mann, Gerald North, Gabriele Hegerl, and Ben Santer.

Instead of evaluating whether available data refute either their main hypothesis (human causes) or the null hypothesis (natural factors), these guys adopt a different approach which I would describe as “we can’t think of anything else other than human greenhouse gas emissions that could be causing this, so therefore human emissions it is.”

They create so-called models of what they think natural factors might cause in the way of warming and then test those against the data. Since when does that prove anything?

The article is very long and riddled with nearly impenetrable jargon that makes it nearly impossible to get a good quote, but here are a couple of the best:

Attribution studies have applied multi-signal techniques to address whether or not the magnitude of the observed response to a particular forcing agent is consistent with the modeled response and separable from the influence of other forcing agents. The inclusion of time-dependent signals has helped to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic forcing agents. As more response patterns are included, the problem of degeneracy (different combinations of patterns yielding near-identical fits to the observations) inevitably arises. Nevertheless, even with the responses to all the major forcing factors included in the analysis, a distinct greenhouse gas signal remains detectable. Overall, the magnitude of the model-simulated temperature response to greenhouse gases is found to be consistent with the observed greenhouse response on the scales considered.

And here’s another:

To detect the response to anthropogenic or natural climate forcing in observations, we require estimates of the expected space-time pattern of the response. The influences of natural and anthropogenic forcing on the observed climate can be separated only if the spatial and temporal variation of each component is known. These patterns cannot be determined from the observed instrumental record because variations due to different external forcings are superimposed on each other and on internal climate variations. Hence climate models are usually used to estimate the contribution from each factor.

Apparently, this kind of mumbo jumbo is good enough to fool pretty much all of academia, and almost all journalists, not to mention gaggles of billionaires. But how about the Medieval Warm Period and the Roman Warm Period? Don’t those refute the whole thing?

Read more at Manhattan Contrarian

New York Can’t Escape Blackouts With A Very Pricey Mega-Battery | Climate Change Dispatch

New York Can’t Escape Blackouts With A Very Pricey Mega-Battery | Climate Change Dispatch: New York is investing in the largest industrial battery that will power only 0.02% of NYC during a heatwave.


New York Can’t Escape Blackouts With A Very Pricey Mega-Battery

tesla industrial battery 

 New York City will soon be home to the world’s biggest industrial-scale battery system. It’s designed to back up the city’s growing reliance on intermittent “renewable” electricity.

At 400 megawatt-hours (MWh), this cluster of batteries will be more than triple the existing 129 MWh world leader in Australia.

Mark Chambers, NYC’s Director of Sustainability (I am not making this title up), is ecstatic. “Expanding battery storage is a critical part of how we advance momentum to confront the climate emergency,” he brags, “while meeting the energy needs of all New Yorkers. Today’s announcement demonstrates how we can deliver this need at a significant scale.” [emphasis added]

In the same nonsensical way, Tim Cawley, president of Con Edison, New York state’s power utility, gushes thus: “Utility-scale battery storage will play a vital role in New York’s clean energy future, especially in New York City, where it will help to maximize the benefit of the wind power being developed offshore.”

In reality, the scale here is vanishingly insignificant. The official enthusiasm puts the Con in Con Edison. (And few New Yorkers and other East Coast residents are going to tolerate thousands of 850-foot-tall wind turbines off their shores. People don’t want them in their onshore backyards either.)

When it comes to the scale needed to reliably back up unreliable pretend-renewable electricity generation – and keep business, industry, social media, and civilization functioning – New York’s and America’s policymakers need to start living in the Real World. Otherwise, blackouts will become common.

For simplicity, let’s suppose New York City is 100% wind-powered. (Including solar in the generating mix makes it more complicated but does not change the unhappy outcome very much.)

NYC currently peaks at around 13,000 MW – just to keep the city running during the extreme summer heat. If Mr. Biden makes all the cars and trucks electric, total demand could eventually hit 20,000 MW. But let’s stick to present-day reality.

This peak occurs because of enormous air conditioning demand during summer heatwaves, which is bad enough. But to make matters even worse, those heat waves are caused by stagnant high-pressure systems called Bermuda highs.

These highs often last for a week and because they involve stagnant air masses – and an absence of breezes – there is no wind power generation.

Wind turbines require something like sustained winds of 10 mph to move the blades and more like a whistling 30 mph to generate full power.

During a Bermuda high, folks are happy to get the occasional 5 mph breeze. These huge highs cover many states, so it is not like we can get the juice from next door.

So for reliability, we need seven days of backup: 168 hours. Here’s the math:

13,000 MW x 168 hours = 2,184,000 MWh of stored juice needed to just make it. Mind you, for normal reliability, we usually add 20% or so as a safety measure.

Did I mention electric cars? Replacing natural gas with electricity for cooking, water heating, and other needs? Charging all those batteries? Maybe they need to add 40% to account for all this, plus emergency circumstances. But let’s ignore that for now.

Let’s also ignore the energy and raw materials required to manufacture (and replace) all those batteries.

The key point is, 400 MWh is not a “significant scale.” It is a trivial, infinitesimal scale. Virtually nothing.

Nada. A piddling 0.02% of what the City would need amid a 7-day heatwave. It might as well not exist. It might be enough to power Gracie Mansion and City government offices during a summer heatwave, but that’s about it.

More specifically, 2,184,000 divided by 400 = 5,460. That means New York City just needs another 5,459 additional battery clusters to meet those peak needs.

On the other hand, this measly 400 MWh battery array may well cost half a billion dollars, which is significant, especially to the New Yorkers who will have to pay for it. No cost figures were given because the system is privately owned (and the numbers would be hugely embarrassing).

However, the Energy Information Administration says the average utility-scale battery system runs around $1.5 million per MWh of storage capacity. That works out to $600 million for this insignificant climate-obsessing toy.

So what would it cost to reliably back up wind power, at this MWh cost and NYC scale? Just over $3,000,000,000,000. THREE TRILLION DOLLARS! I have not seen this stupendous sum reported in the media. Perhaps Con Ed has not mentioned it. (You think?) They certainly know about it.

But hey, maybe the cost will come down a trillion – though not if we create a seller’s market by rushing into intermittent renewables, which is certainly where we are headed.

After all, this is just New York City. Imagine what backing up America with batteries might cost. Don’t bother because it is impossible.

I should also add that we have no idea how to make 2 million MWh of batteries work together. The tiny 400 will be a challenge. Millions of megawatt-hours on-demand may not be possible.

Then too, New York State has the same problem. Only much bigger if New York City is included, which it often is. New York State peaks at about 32,000 MW, which works out to 5,376,000 MWh of stored juice at a cost of EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS for enough batteries to make 100% wind reliable.

And again, this is without phasing in electric cars and trucks, phasing out gas heat, a 20-40% reserve, etc.

Note that New York State has a law saying they will build at least 3,000 MWh of batteries over the next decade. Like NYC’s grand 400 MWh battery system, this is nothing compared to what is needed to keep the lights on.

Nor does the New York Power Authority mention the many trillions of dollars needed to make renewables reliable.

All of this battery backup hype is a scam, and not just in New York. The papers are full of this con, from coast to coast. Solar plus batteries or wind plus batteries, as though the batteries mattered, when they do not.

The utilities know perfectly well that these loudly touted battery buys are a hoax, but they are getting rich building the mandated and subsidized wind and solar systems the politicians are calling for. Adding a trivial battery makes it sound like renewables work. Which they don’t.

On a larger scale, consider PJM. This is the electric power coordinating group of utilities that oversees the central part of the Eastern USA (not including New York State). Its primary mission is system reliability, so it should be very interested in this impossible battery cost problem.

PJM peaks at around 150,000 MW, so a week of backup battery juice is 25,200,000 MWh. At $1,500,000 per MWh, that is just under a mere THIRTY-EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS!

This too is without electrifying all our fossil-fueled cars, trucks, buildings, appliances, and whatever else the climate-emergency central planners can think of. Yet PJM says not a mumbling word about the impossibility of delivering reliability using all renewables and batteries.

The voters are oblivious to these impossible numbers since they are repeatedly told that intermittent wind and solar are cheaper than reliable coal, gas, and nuclear.

That may be true only when the sun shines bright and the wind blows hard, which is not all that often. Now do the math for the entire United States.

Maybe fracked geothermal, the only reliable renewable, is the answer. Or how about reliable coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power? Too bad they are all out of fashion.

Reality is just sitting there, waiting. 100% renewables cannot work, so they will not work. At this point, it is just a question of how and when we find out the hard way.

The key then is for voters and electricity users to learn this stuff, ask hard questions, demand honest answers, and not be Conned any longer.

David Wojick is an independent analyst specializing in science, logic, and human rights in public policy, and the author of numerous articles on these topics.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

10 Scriptural Reasons Not To Follow Rick Warren

10 Scriptural Reasons Not To Follow Rick Warren


Rick Warren Purpose Driven Movement.

Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven movement has, in a relatively short period of time, become what TIME magazine has referred to as a “Purpose Driven empire.”1 The word empire is defined in the dictionary as “supreme rule; absolute power or authority; dominion.” It also means “an extensive social or economic organization under the control of a single person, family, or corporation.”2 For all intents and purposes, Rick Warren has become the titular head—the almost emperor-like CEO—of an increasingly apostate postmodern church. But while Warren continues to be embraced by much of the world and much of the church, it is not too late for people to reconsider their involvement with him and his Purpose Driven movement. Here are ten scripturally based reasons why people with any love of the truth should not involve themselves in Warren’s “Broad Way” Christianity:

10 Scriptural Reasons Not To Follow Rick Warren

1) Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven movement offers a Broad Way Christianity. One of the mysteries of the Christian faith can be found in Jesus’ warning that the way to life is “narrow” and that “few” would actually find it. Jesus is telling us in advance that the “broad way”—no matter how well intentioned—is not from Him. With Rick Warren’s reformation movement based on deeds and not creeds, everyone is invited to partake in this global effort. But biblical principles are watered-down and often cast aside.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

2) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity does not declare all the counsel of God. Rick Warren teaches only what he wants to teach from the Bible. As a result, there are many important teachings that he skips over, de-emphasizes, and leaves out—particularly in regard to prophecy and spiritual deception.

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (Acts 20:27-31)

3) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity does not discern the spiritual signs of the times. Just as the leaders in Jesus’ day discerned the weather but not the signs of the times, Warren discerns many of the social and economic problems, but not the spiritual signs of the times.

O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? (Matthew 16:3)

4) Rick Warren’s “Broad Way” Christianity is ignorant of Satan’s devices. Whereas the apostle Paul stated that he and other believers were not ignorant of Satan’s devices, Warren’s Broad Way Christianity states that Satan’s schemes are entirely predictable.3 By being ignorant of Satan’s devices, this Broad Way Christianity has fallen prey to Satan’s devices—particularly in the area of the New Age/New Spirituality/New Worldview.

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

5) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity does not expose spiritual evil. Warren’s version of Christianity does not sound a true warning about the deceptive spirit world and spiritual deception. There is much more to evil than the problems that Rick Warren is seeking to remedy with his Purpose Driven P.E.A.C.E. Plan. We are told to expose false prophets and false teachers, not to study under them, spiritually join with them, and further their plans.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (Ephesians 5:11)

6) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity does not “earnestly contend for the faith.” By not declaring all the counsel of God, by not discerning the signs of the times, by being ignorant of Satan’s devices, and by not exposing spiritual evil, Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity is not fighting “the good fight of faith.”

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 3)

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)

7) Rick Warren and his Broad Way Christianity are loved by the world and it’s leaders. Jesus loved the world, but the world did not love Him. Jesus warned his followers they would be hated, persecuted, and even killed by the world—just as the world hated, persecuted, and killed Him. In his compromised effort to reach out to the world, Warren and his Broad Way Christianity have become the world.

They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. (1 John 4:5)

Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. (Luke 6:26)

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12)

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake. (Matthew 10:22)

If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? (Matthew 10:25)

8. Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity is engaged in a process of ungodly change. Rick Warren describes himself as a “change agent” but in his attempt to change the world, he and his Purpose Driven movement are actually changing biblical Christianity. The Bible warns about those who push for unbiblical and ungodly change.

My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change. (Proverbs 24:21)

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)

For I am the LORD, I change not. (Malachi 3:6)

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. (Amos 8:11)

9) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity is frequently double-tongued and double-minded. Rick Warren’s attempts to seemingly distance himself from the New Age/New Spirituality while simultaneously spiritually aligning himself with New Age sympathizers is double-tongued, double-minded, and deceptively self-serving. In the Psalms, David refers to those who speak with flattering lips and a double heart.

Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbor: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. (Psalm 12:1-2)

Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. (1 Timothy 3:8-9)

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8)

10) Rick Warren’s Broad Way Christianity is not valiant for the truth. Warren has demonstrated, in numerous ways, that he is politically and spiritually expedient when it comes to the truth. His Broad Way Christianity plays to the world and embraces the world because it is the world. It does not hold fast to the truth because it is not valiant for the truth.

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth. (Jeremiah 9:3)

If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31)

The Time is Here

The apostle Paul preached the importance of adhering to God’s Word. He warned that the time would come when believers would not endure sound doctrine but would find teachers who would tell them what they wanted to hear:

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

As Rick Warren’s broad way Christianity seems to be headed down the broad way of the New Spirituality, it is very clear that his Purpose Driven movement is anything but the narrow way that Jesus Christ described in Matthew 7:14.

It is important to understand what is at stake here—the centrality of the Cross as the one and only true Gospel—without which the hope of salvation is lost. Jesus Christ, dying on the Cross for our sins, is the central message of the Gospel. It is the plumb line for ultimately discerning truth from error. But in discerning truth from error, it is essential that we must adhere to all the counsel of God (Acts 20:27).

Jesus is the one and only Savior—the one and only true Christ. Science cannot and will not prove otherwise (1 Timothy 6:20). God is not in everything. We are not Christ, and we are not God. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit is spirit. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50). It is not as above, so below. The apostle John states:

He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. (John 3:31)

Jesus Christ is Lord. His name is above all names (Philippians 2:9). He is not the “Jesus” of The Shack, and He is not the “Jesus” of the New Age/New Spirituality. Most assuredly, He is not the “quantum Christ” of a deceived world and an apostate church.

The apostle Paul describes the simplicity of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3). According to many of today’s spiritual and religious leaders, it has taken humanity 2000 years to finally get it. They say we need quantum physicists, cellular biologists, Ph.D. mathematicians, New Age channelers, and emerging postmodern preachers to finally understand what Jesus was trying to tell us back in the first century. No, this is not the simplicity that Paul was describing. This is the deceptive work of our Adversary as he tries to transform the creation into the Creator and co-opt God’s creation to himself.

Unfortunately, many of today’s pastors have forgotten that Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and that we are to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). As a result, the church is now catapulting into great spiritual deception.

For those who still rightly divide and depend upon the Word of God, the Bible warns that the coming deception will be so great that most of the world will be deceived (Revelation 13:13-14). Jesus warned that His way is not the broad way but the narrow way of continuing in His Word (John 8:31). And it is His way that leads to eternal life.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)

Excerpt from Warren Smith’s book entitled “A Wonderful Deception”

Saturday, January 2, 2021

King Herod slaughtered innocents to keep his political power. Little has changed since then.

King Herod slaughtered innocents to keep his political power. Little has changed since then.


King Herod slaughtered innocents to keep his political power. Little has changed since then.

Herod, innocents


On December 28, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents in remembrance of the children slaughtered by King Herod in his quest to kill the newborn Jesus. A king who feared losing his power, Herod had already killed anyone he saw as a threat, including three of his own sons. When he learned about the Christ Child, he set a plan in motion to ensure Jesus didn’t live to take his throne, either. When the Magi, having been warned in a dream not to tell Herod where Jesus was, failed to return to Herod as he had instructed them to, Herod had every little boy age two and under in Bethlehem killed. He deduced that if Jesus was indeed in Bethlehem, his death would be guaranteed through this brutal act.

Herod isn’t the only political figure of the past to order the mass killing of innocent children because he feared losing his power. Afraid that the Israelites would become “too numerous,” Egypt’s Pharaoh came up with a plan to secure his power: control the population of the people he didn’t want reproducing. He ordered that all Hebrew baby boys must be thrown into the Nile River.

With their twisted desire for power, Herod and Pharaoh have something in common with politicians of our day. A mass slaughtering of innocents is happening today in the United States, where 2,363 babies are killed daily through abortion. Many politicians, including some who claim to care about the most vulnerable of society, will stop at nothing to keep their political power. To do this, they allow and even promote the genocide of innocent preborn children.

Planned Parenthood’s powerful pocketbook

Each election year, the abortion industry ups the ante for the politicians it feeds from its pocketbook. Planned Parenthood, for example, is a powerful organization with $45 million to burn in campaign spending to help abortion-friendly politicians get elected. Because of this, the pro-abortion agenda in America has evolved from a “safe, legal, rare” and difficult decision to a whenever-wherever-whoever, free of charge, celebrated “right.” The end goal is abortion with no restrictions, paid for by American taxpayers.

Planned Parenthood, which committed a record 345,672 abortions in 2018 despite an overall national decline in abortions, has deep pockets — $1.6 billion in revenue in 2018, $2 billion in assets, and $45 million to spend on the 2020 election. Power-hungry politicians who are funded by Planned Parenthood and who want to ensure they retain a hold on their Congressional “thrones,” so to speak, must bend to the will of Planned Parenthood or risk losing it all.

Like Herod and Pharaoh, these politicians believe that in order to secure and maintain their political futures, they must allow innocent children to die.

The Hyde Amendment

The fight over the pro-life Hyde Amendment is just one example of how the abortion industry holds power-hungry politicians in the palm of its hands. The Hyde Amendment is a rider to the federal budget first introduced by Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde in 1976. It prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion through the federal Medicaid program. It has been added to every appropriations bill since 1976, and every single president — including pro-abortion presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — has signed and accepted it. It has saved 2.4 million lives from abortion, and that is why the abortion industry wants it gone. Fewer abortions mean fewer profits.

At the start of the 2020 presidential election cycle, every single Democratic candidate came out against the Hyde Amendment, even one who had previously stood in favor of it: Joe Biden. On June 5, 2019, Biden supported the Hyde Amendment… yet in a whiplash move, the very next day after Planned Parenthood criticized him for it, Biden decided he opposed Hyde. For Biden (and countless other politicians), the brutal killing of innocent children equals retained political power and status. Nine days later, on June 15, Planned Parenthood officially endorsed Biden for president.


Aborting minorities 

Pharaoh wanted to control the population of a people group in his kingdom. Surprisingly, some American politicians have the desire to control the population of certain people groups.

Today, Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are disproportionately located in minority neighborhoods, with reportedly 86% of these facilities located in or near communities of color. Though Black people account for just 13% of the nation’s population, Black women account for 36% of all abortions in the US, and are five times more likely to have an abortion than white women. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger believed that certain populations should not reproduce, and said in reference to her plan to influence and infiltrate the Black community with her birth control agenda, “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”

Planned Parenthood has continued Sanger’s legacy with help from legalized abortion. Pro-abortion politicians are aiding in these efforts to reduce the population of minorities and underprivileged Americans by pushing far beyond legalized abortion to taxpayer-funded abortion. But according to a 2017 Marist poll, even the poorest of Americans don’t want the government to pay for them to kill their children. Americans with lower incomes were less likely than those with higher incomes to support government funding of abortions through Medicaid. In addition, a Harvard poll found that support for taxpayer funding of abortion is nearly twice as high among voters who make more than $75,000 a year as those who earn $25,000 or less. This is a red flag, showing that government-funded abortion is discriminatory by nature.

Even Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that she believed the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade with a eugenic motive. “There was concern about population growth and particularly growth in the populations that we don’t want to have too many of,” she said in regard to the Hyde Amendment and the Supreme Court’s 1980 decision to uphold it in Harris v. McRae. Opponents of Hyde claim it is racist and discriminatory, but the opposite is true. When asked by a Congressional subcommittee if she believes the Hyde Amendment is racist, pro-life advocate Christina Bennett explained:

No. I will never believe that an amendment that has helped save over 2.4 million lives — many of them Black — is racist. I don’t think that racists are in the business of trying to preserve Black lives and generations of children that will come after them. It’s absolutely ridiculous to claim that the Hyde Amendment is racist.

Roe v. Wade

With the addition of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court in the last four years, the abortion industry and abortion-friendly politicians are terrified that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. They are scrambling to codify abortion into state constitutions as a right, because, like Herod and Pharaoh, they feel threatened. New York expanded abortion, Massachusetts and Vermont are in the process of codifying extreme abortion laws, and more states will follow. Why? Because pro-abortion politicians fear losing their power if they don’t bend to the will of the abortion industry and allow innocent children to be slaughtered. Even those who call themselves ‘personally pro-life’ as Biden has, will allow these horrific deaths to continue to save their own political futures.

Now that Biden is set to take office as president in 2021, Planned Parenthood has already issued its “day one” demands of him and his administration. Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, told Newsweek, “The first thing we would like to see would be an executive order on day one, within the first 100 days, that demonstrates the administration’s commitment to sexual and reproductive health care.” Planned Parenthood will stop at nothing to control the politicians it owns.

The majority of women who have had abortions admitted they did so under pressure. Like the mothers who watched powerless as Herod’s and Pharaoh’s brutal orders were carried out, these women are haunted by the deaths of their children — but for different reasons.

The pain and injustice of abortion may never end while politicians are afraid to stand for life against the profitable abortion industry and risk losing their own political status to save the innocent.

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