Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Democrats' Death Wish: The Disappearing Destiny of the Donkey Party - Breitbart

The Democrats' Death Wish: The Disappearing Destiny of the Donkey Party - Breitbart

The Democrats’ Death Wish: The Disappearing Destiny of the Donkey Party

Drought Hit Kenya Heading For Humanitarian Crisis

 by Virgil27 Nov 2015

I. The Democrats’ “Euro Envy”

Let’s state our thesis up front: The Democrats are in so
much trouble on the immigration/border security/counter-terrorism issue
that only a truly bone-headed move by the Republicans could save the
Democrats from electoral debacle in 2016 and beyond.  Which, of course,
is always possible, even if, thankfully, it is increasingly unlikely.   

Perhaps the biggest problem that the Democrats have is Euro Envy
That is, leftist Americans are deeply influenced by the leftist
politics of Europe and therefore determined to emulate all its
features—whether ordinary Americans like them or not.

Yes, European social democracy, if not communism, has long been the
lodestar of American liberalism.  For more than a century, American
“progressives” have admired the European welfare state in its plenitude:
high taxes, national health insurance, and big foreign aid budgets—and,
more recently, libs have revered it all the more for its devotion to
combating “climate change.”

But leftists don’t just want progressive policies; they want progressive institutions
to permanentize those policies.  Hence the building up, and lauding up,
of the European Union (EU).  The EU is a multinational, multicultural
edifice that represents the fond dream of globalists on the left—and, in
a curious bit of congruence, the fond dream of corporatists on the
right as well.  The EU today is a kind of regional United Nations,
seeking to subordinate the “evils” of nationalism and sovereignty under
the heel of a new transnational bureaucracy.

So perhaps the greatest mission for the EU—and a cause that
unites progressives on both sides of the Atlantic—is open borders. Yes,
the crown jewel of the EU is the Schengen Agreement,
which established the principle that an EU resident could go anywhere
in the EU without so much as stopping at a border gate or checkpoint. 
And to the delight of empire-building EU-ers, the Schengen Area has grown huge—although many now say that it’s too big to police and protect.

We might recall that when Schengen was first agreed to, back in 1985,
the EU—then called, much more modestly, the European Economic
Community—consisted of just ten member states.  And we might also
recall, in those Cold War days, that the Schengen countries were
insulated, if that’s the right word, by the Soviet Union’s Iron
Curtain.  That is, if no East German could travel to West Germany
without risking a bullet in the back, then nobody from the Middle East
was going to get through to any Western nation, either.  And of course,
back then, Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq were stable, if nothing
else, under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein and other highly effective

But as we have seen, the Schengen Area has gone gargantuan; it
sprawls all the way from Portugal to Finland to Greece.  And fatefully,
Greece shares a long land- and sea-frontier with Muslim Turkey and,
beyond it, the entire Muslim Ummah.  All 1.5 billion of them.

So while nationalists and other real-world types could see, in this
geographic engorgement, the beginning of a problem for Schengen, the
globalists could not.  Their vision of a borderless world—that being the title of a lyrical libertarian book from the naive nineties, namely, Ken Ohmae’s The Borderless World—has
taken on its own momentum.  Onward, said the progressives, to a
post-nationalist, politically correct, green-certified “United States of
Europe.”  You know, as in the John Lennon song, Imagine“Imagine there’s no countries.”

Yet that giddy open-borders momentum has collided with the grim need
for homeland security in the age of the Kalashnikov and the suicide
belt.  We might recall that the first big move that France’s leader,
Françoise Hollande, made after the November 13 terrorist attacks in
Paris was to close the French border—a bit of “retro” nationalism that
seemed necessary at the time, even to a Eurocratic socialist such as

But before we go further, we might ask: What’s the ultimate source of this open-borders hurly-burly?  Where is it coming from?

II. The German Question

By all accounts, the driving force in Europe’s open-borders quest—a
more specific and more focused crusade than just gloppy Lennon-ism—is

The Germans, we might note, are not only determined, with Teutonic
relentlessness, to abolish national frontiers in Europe, but they also
want to welcome “migrants” with near-unlimited welfare benefits.

A look back at German history tells us that the Germans weren’t
always so friendly.  And in fact, the undeniable barbarity of that
German history helps explain why, today, the Germans are bending over
backward to be kindly.

Yes, the Germans, so resolute in their desire not to repeat the
mistakes of the past, have, in fact, over-corrected.  They should have
listened to the wisdom of the pundit George F. Will, who once said, “The
four most important words in the English language are, ‘Up to a
point.’” Evidently, no one ever translated that into German.

But this we can say: In the last century, the Germans developed a
uniquely diseased and malignant form of nationalism.  So yes, the
Germans must be watched.  However, just because they got carried away,
that doesn’t mean that the basic ideas of nationalism—defined as the
instinctive impulse toward hearth and home, toward kith and kin, turned
into a functioning political system—are in any way bad.  And if the
Germans can’t see the difference between our kind of nationalism, which has nurtured and protected, and their kind of nationalism, which has mass-murdered—well, that’s just a reminder that the Germans still have a lot to learn.

So sure, it’s a cliche that the Germans are still working through
their guilt-feelings over World War Two.  And without a doubt, the
Germans have plenty of guilt from that war to work through.  Still, it’s
worth pointing that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was born in 1954, a
full nine years after the death of Hitler.  So while of course it’s
right and fitting that the the Germans should compensate handsomely the
victims of the Holocaust—and Lidice, and Oradour-sur-Glane,
and countless other atrocities—it’s also incumbent on Berlin to act
rationally, in our own time, to protect its own national security and

This need for practical prudence today is especially important in the
realm of immigration, because, as we have learned, there’s a “spillover
factor.”  That is, an immigrant living in Germany is within striking
distance of every other country in the West.  We might recall, for
example, that the ringleader of the 9-11 attackers, the Egyptian-born Mohamed Atta, made Hamburg, Germany, his base of operations.

But alas, even after 9-11, even after Paris, the Germans still think they must open their border and open their wallets—most recently, to a million or more Syrians
And how many more?  Five million?  Ten million?  But so what, the
Germans might say; even if they’re not all Syrians, but rather just
Muslims and others from around the world who see a path to a soft life
on welfare?  Well, here’s the Deutscher answer: That’s a small price to pay so that we Germans can once again feel virtuous.

Thus the Germans, in their renunciation of all the time-tested
lessons of sovereignty and survival, are putting the rest of Europe at
risk.  And so we come to a painful irony: Once again, knee-jerking
German dogmatism—now weirdly inverted into a kind of passive-aggressive
leftism—is endangering the rest of Europe.

So Americans, then, might ask: Why is the U.S. imitating Germany?
 Why do American leftists, sitting atop the commanding heights of the
Obama administration, take their cues from Berlin?  After all, we were
the good guys in World War Two; the Germans have nothing to teach us about national behavior.

III.  Germany’s Best Pupil, Barack Obama

No doubt President Obama, fan of European social democracy that he
is, wishes that he could take in more than 10,000 Syrians.  And he no
doubt has guilt of his own: Let’s recall he received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 2009 without having done anything to earn it.  So now, with the
Syrians, here’s a chance for him to pay back the Norwegians and the
international peace movement.  So yeah, why not go all out on Syrian
intake?  After all, there’s no risk to him personally: None of the
Syrians will be moving into the White House.

Of course, there is a hangup: The American people oppose the Syrian
influx by margins of 2:1 or more. Yet as with so many issues these days,
we can observe a sharp polarization on the Syrian issue—and that means
there’s a strong, or at least loud, constituency on the other side.

Republicans are overwhelmingly hostile to the Syrian influx, and, crucially, independents feel the same way.  But Democrats are just as monolithic in their support of Obama’s position.

In other words, we can be sure that inside the Obama White House,
there’s unanimity that The Chief is on the side of the angels.  Indeed,
in its invincible self-righteousness, the Obama administration threatens legal action against states that don’t knuckle under to his Syrian Surge.

Moreover, Obama himself has chosen to double down rhetorically; on Thanksgiving, he compared the Syrians to the Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower.  And it’s more than possible that Obama, who once told The New York Times that the Muslim call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth,” might really believe that the Syrians are like the Pilgrims—only better.

Of course, the rest of us, uninterested in expanding the influence of
Islamic culture into the U.S., are left to stew over the appropriate

So we might start by asking our 44th President: “On the morning of November 13, just hours before the Paris attacks, you assured the American people that ISIS had been ‘contained.’  So our question, Mr. President, is: Why should we believe a single thing you say about homeland security or counter-terrorism?” And as a follow-up to whatever he replies, we might then ask, “Sir, do you really think we’re that stupid?”

Of course, he does—either that, or he just doesn’t care what we think.

And thus the great paradox of the Obama presidency:  A man who came
into office with a message of, “You can trust me, and trust the
government, to do the right thing,” has, in fact, presided over the collapse of public faith in government
And that mistrust of the state will likely get worse: Who doubts, for
instance—even if both houses of Congress vote to forbid the entry of
Syrians, and even if they manage to override a presidential veto—that we
will still wind up with thousands of new Syrians in our country?  Yes,
between sheer incompetence and shuddering malevolence, the feds will
have us cornered.

IV. The Democrats, Then and Now 

However, unless Obama finds a way to change the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, his reign of error is coming to an end soon.

Indeed, the American people have put together, in their minds, an extensive bill of particulars against Obama: The latest CBS News survey
found that 66 percent of Americans said the president has no clear road
map for combating ISIS, and just 36 percent approved of his overall
handling of terrorism, an historic low.

And while the re-elected Obama is safe from the voters’ wrath, other
Democrats are not.  Yes, the 2016 hopefuls Hillary Clinton,

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
and Martin O’Malley are cheerfully dancing, now, to the Obama tune, but
they will find out, soon enough, that the bell tolls for them.
But first, a digression on the Democratic tradition.

Once upon a time, Democrats were mostly hawkish on immigration, for a
good and simple reason—it was bad for the incomes of their working
constituents.  In the days before E-Z welfare obviated the need to get a
job, new arrivals were hungrier for work; they would work cheaper, they
would be scabs in strikes, and so on.  So no wonder Democratic pols, on
behalf of their loyal voters, didn’t want them.

We might note that this hostility to immigration was felt especially intensely among “people of color,” including their leaders.

For example, Cesar Chavez, founder of the United Farm Workers in
1962, was a staunch opponent of immigration, which he knew would
overwhelm his fledgling union.  He is reported to have once said, “If my
own mother were coming across the border to break a strike, I’d arrest

More than once, Breitbart News has quoted the Hispanic journalist Ruben Navarrette, Jr.,
who reports, “The historical record shows that Chavez was a fierce
opponent of illegal immigration.” Navarette adds, “It’s unlikely that
he’d have looked favorably on a plan to legalize millions of illegal
immigrants.”  Continuing his assessment of the labor legend who died in
1993, Navarette concluded, “Were he alive today, it’s a safe bet that
Chavez would be an opponent of any legislation that gave illegal
immigrants even a chance at legal status.”

And among African-Americans, we must reckon with Barbara Jordan, who
represented Houston in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1973 to
1979.  Just as as Chavez could see trouble for Hispanics, Jordan could
see that the wage-incomes of American blacks would be diminished by an
endless inundation from other countries—no matter what their race or

Indeed, Jordan’s voice on this matter was so strong that she was
named to lead a federal task force, soon known as the Jordan
Commission.  In 1997, the commission issued a report calling for
multiple immigration reforms, including limits on newcomers, as well as a
fool-proof national ID card to prevent employment fraud. But alas, by
then, Jordan’s own voice had fallen silent; she died in 1996.  And so
the recommendations went nowhere.

Yet since the passing of Chavez and Jordan in the ’90s, the Democrats
have changed their views dramatically.  The old idea of limiting
immigration as a way of propping up job-incomes yielded to a newer idea:
Un-limiting immigration as a way of beefing up the voter-rolls.

The hinge was 1995. In that year, President Bill Clinton, eyeing his
re-election campaign in 1996, saw a chance to improve his chances; the
answer, Clintonites concluded, was more new voters from abroad.  And so,
as part of its “reinventing government” initiative, the Clinton
administration accelerated the naturalization of more than a million new
citizens.  They called it “Citizenship USA,” and they didn’t care in the least if Republicans cried Foul!  Indeed, during the ’96 campaign, Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole accused the Clinton administration of registering an additional 1.1 million Democrats;
as the Dole campaign noted in a radio spot, “Aliens with criminal
records–rapists, murderers, armed felons–have been granted U.S.
citizenship so they can vote.”

But of course, in those days—before Fox News really got going, before
the rise of alternative Internet-based media—Dole’s was a lonely voice
crying in the hostile MSM wilderness.

Interestingly, the following year, Bill Clinton glibly signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996; today, it’s impossible  to imagine a Democrat signing a piece of legislation with such a politically incorrect name.

Indeed, we might note that less than two decades later, Hillary Clinton finds that she must apologize for even uttering the phrase “illegal immigrant.
A few hours after her “gaffe,” she wrote on Facebook, “That was a poor
choice of words,” adding that the, uh, undocumented “have names, and
hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected.”  Not a promising augury,
we might say, for intense immigration-law enforcement in a Clinton 45

Yes, everything is different, now, for elite Democrats.

As we have seen, they are inspired by the EU.  And as we have also
seen, they no longer worry about worker’s wages—and that only makes
sense, because the two big magnetic poles of the new Democratic
coalition, Al Sharpton and George Soros, are both oblivious to wages.
 Why?  Because Sharpton’s core constituents aren’t in the workforce;
they make their living through welfare, not work.  And as for Soros and
his fellow billionaires, they couldn’t be bothered to think about
anything as microscopic as a mere wage.  Meanwhile, Democratic politicos
believe that if they just get the immigrant ranks big enough, they can
get the Democratic vote big enough.

In addition, top Democrats are constantly being egged on in their liberalism by the trendoids of the MSM.  NBC’s Seth Meyers, for example, laughed in Sarah Palin’s face when she expressed concerns about Syrian refugees.  And that mocking moment led to a media cascade of condescension and ridicule: Yahoo News headlined, “Seth Meyers explains Syrian refugee vetting process to Sarah Palin,”  and Salon chortled, “Wow, Seth Meyers just stripped down Donald Trump’s lies and Islamophobia so clearly even your racist uncle will get it now.”

Meanwhile, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait, not be outdone, referred to Donald Trump’s anti-immigration supporters as “knuckle-draggers,” adding that Trump himself was the natural leader of “lizard-brain America.”  Got that?  That’s you Chait is talking about.

In this sort of supercharged media environment, it’s easy to see how
Democratic pols, who might normally be more careful, have lost their
heads.  Instead of showing the usual mumble-mouthed caution, top Dems
are joining in the bashing of Middle America—aka, the very swing voters
they will need if they are to win the White House and Congress next

Let’s start with Hillary Clinton, who, long ago, at the low ebb of
the Clinton presidency, in 1994, encouraged her husband to bring in Dick
Morris, the ultimate amoral political mercenary.  Yet whereas once she
was pragmatically flexible, today she is doctrinally rigid.  She now
says  she wholeheartedly agrees with Obama on letting in more
Syrians—the polls be damned.

Yet Hillary is, of course, forever wily.  So she is attempting to
make her pro-Syrian stance into a profile in courage.  And yet in the
midst of her pandering to the MSM and others on the trendy left, she
seems to have lost her logical train of thought.  Under the headline, “Clinton denounces ‘inflammatory talk’ about Syrian refugees,” The Washington Examiner quoted
her telling an audience in Colorado, “I think it’s worth remembering
that the hijackers who struck the World Trade Center came here
legally.”  We might observe that perhaps that’s not the strongest
argument for new kinds of legal immigration!

So yes, it’s a new Hillary.  The “triangulating” Hillary of yore has
had to yield to an updated version, the passionate progressive.  And why
is that?  The answer, of course, is that she is “Feeling the Bern.” 
That is, the pressure from the hard-left insurgency of Sen. Bernie
Sanders, who would love to ambush her from the left, as Obama did eight
years ago.

And without a doubt, Sanders is a hard leftist.  One easy clue to his
true self is the misdirection practiced on his behalf by his
sympathizers at The New York Times; a recent headlined assured us that Sanders’ true trait is “pragmatism.”  Got that, comrade?

But a look at Sanders’ new immigration plan, released less than two
weeks after the Paris attacks, tells us he is everything a Euro-style
open borders-type multiculturalist could want.  Let’s start with The Washington Post headline on November 25: “Sanders promises broader protections against deportation for undocumented immigrants.”  In it, Sanders outlined a plan for the immediate amnesty of nine million (at least) illegals.

Needless to say, a look at the details of the Sanders Plan reveals nothing meaningful on border security, such as a fence or a barrier, except for a snide jab at “boondoggle walls.”

Then Team Sanders pats itself on the back for providing for
“expedited citizenship” and “federal financial aid.”  Indeed, Sanders
wants illegal immigrants to get subsidies to join the Obamacare health
exchanges.  And oh yes, they would also get full access to U.S. courts,
which means, in practice, that they would get taxpayer-subsidized Legal
Aid as they sued local, state, and federal governments for more
benefits.  Yes, in a Sanders Administration, the peoples of the world
will get to ask  American judges for a bigger piece of the economic pie,
relief from the strictures of law enforcement, and any other goody a
Naderite litigator might think of.  Surely Sanders thinks it would be racist to have it any other way!

Needless to say, the opinionists at The New York Times love it: “Bernie Sanders Gets Immigration Policy Right”—that’s the headline of its November 26 editorial.  Sanders “turns away from…insanity,” the Times
piece assures its readers, leading America “well beyond the usual
nativist bigotry.”  (Once again, as with “lizard-brain America,” we
might pause over the invective that the MSM routinely hurls in our

Continuing, the Times trills this ode to systemic
law-breaking: “Mr. Sanders rightly defends ‘sanctuary city’ policies
that protect public safety by building trust between immigrant
communities and local law enforcement.”

Okay, that’s the Times, enjoying its lefty reverie.  But meanwhile, we, the “lizard-brained,” might wish to protest that the whole idea of a “sanctuary city” is to supersede federal law.  Indeed, in sanctuary cities, we see the complete negation of any national law.

For good measure, in a separate document, the Sanders campaign attacked the third Democrat in the presidential race, Martin O’Malley.  Sanders, you see, is eager to position himself to the left of the left-wing O’Malley; quoth the Sandersites:

Unlike the O’Malley platform, the Sanders platform speaks
to providing deferred action to undocumented immigrants engaged in
labor disputes, eliminating the “significant misdemeanor” bar in
enforcement, and providing discretion for immigrants with
non-immigration convictions, such as identity theft, driving without a
license felonies, and survival crimes.
In other words, translating the legalese, the Sanders forces caught
O’Malley leaving in a few residual penalties for illegal immigrants’
criminal behavior—beyond, of course, coming here illegally—and so now
they are pouncing on the “right wing” Marylander.

No doubt, the underdog O’Malley campaign will soon enough be
scrambling to catch up—to get to the left, somehow, of both Sanders and

V. The Submerging Democratic Majority

So yes, the Democrats are having their fun.  But as Peter Falk, playing Lt. Columbo on the old TV series would say, “There’s just one more thing.

And what would that one thing be?  Only this: Open-borders-ism is toxic politics with the electorate as a wholeAs in, support for open borders is a political death warrant. 

Once again, the early indicators are coming from Europe, where the open-borders experiment has had such a thorough testing.

Of course, to the incumbent class of Eurocrats, nothing much has
changed, even after the Paris attacks and the Syrian throng.  Swaddled
in security, drenched in ideology, succored in self-rectitude, the
Brussels crowd feels free to continue expounding its globaloney.

But ordinary Europeans—that is, the folks who could
lose their jobs, their incomes, or even their lives—are starting to
rebel; even the MSM has had to take grudging notice.  This headline
slipped into
The New York Times: “Regulating Flow of Refugees Gains Urgency in Greece and Rest of Europe.”  And this headline, too, made it into The Washington Post: “Europe plans to speed up deportation of tens of thousands of Pakistanis.”

And in Europe itself, the issue is put even more starkly, viz. this headline in the Daily Mail (UK): “EU must stem migrant flow or risk the same fate as Roman Empire, warns Dutch PM.”

Breitbart readers are, of course, familiar with the leading European
nationalist parties, UKIP of the UK and the National Front of France. 
At the rate that European politics are changing, it’s a certainty that
one or both parties will take power—unless one or more of the major
parties pre-empt their anti-open-borders message.  And as a further sign
of the changing times, we can note that in England, a former
Conservative Member of Parliament, now a professor at Winchester
University, has established a Centre for English Identity and Politics.  (Parenthetically, various U.S. campuses have established White Student Unions.)  Thus we see: politics, as a subset of human nature, is its own kind of Newtonian physics—for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Yet even as Europe turns, here in America, an ocean away, the left
remains free to get leftier.  As we have seen, in the
bureaucratic-academic hothouse, there’s not a more pungently seductive
orchid than the one beckoning ideologues to a come-one-come-all
globalism.  And so if following that exotic scent means cutting oneself
off from thinking about the larger world, so be it: As Politico reported recently, the 2016 Democrats don’t really want to talk about foreign policy anymore, because to do so would mean grappling with tough-minded matters of national security and national survival.

And so The New York Times, shorn of practical or
logical arguments for its pro-open-borders position, is reduced to
attempted tearjerking, to wit, this recent headline: “‘I’m Frightened’: After Attacks in Paris, New York Muslims Cope With a Backlash.”  In other words, in the Times
view, only a hard-hearted wretch could oppose the coming of more meek
Muslims.  To which we might add only this: Of the 320 or so million
Americans, some 319 million do not read the Times.

Still, we can observe the same
don’t-confuse-me-with-facts-I’d-rather-have-emotionalism phenomenon
across the aisle—that is, among libertarian ideologues.  For example,
the Cato Institute’s A. Trevor Thrall wrote on November 23, “Paris Changed Nothing.  We Still Have Every Reason to Welcome Syrian Refugees.”  And lest he be misunderstood, Thrall followed up two days later with this advice to Obama: “Dear Mr. President: It’s Time to Ignore the Polls on Syrian Refugees.”

Indeed, mirroring the leftist multiculturalists, the libertarian
multiculturalists are passionate in their disdain for traditional
patriotism.  So nobody should doubt that an open-borders Democrat would
defeat a closed-border Republican inside the rarified precincts of Cato,
a billionaire-funded, glass-and-steel highrise on Massachusetts Avenue,
up in Northwest Washington, DC.

Of course, a Republican presidential candidate winning 70 or 75
million votes nationwide next year might not care if he loses 100 or so
Ayn Rand readers.

Yes, Republicans are most likely headed toward a big victory in
2016—along the lines, perhaps, of Ronald Reagan’s win in 1980.  In fact,
it might be worth noting that, already, the Democrats are at their
lowest ebb, in Congress and in the states, since the 1920s.

Thus the wheel turns—especially when it has been given a good, hard shove by recent events.

Not so long ago, back in 2002, a book appeared with the ambitious title, The Emerging Democratic Majority
In it, co-authors John Judis and Ruy Teixeira argued that a youngish
black-brown-red-yellow “coalition of the ascendant” was going to take
over Democratic politics and the country.  And sure enough, after the
2006 and 2008 elections swept Republicans from their majorities in
Congress, as well as their perch in the White House, it seemed that
Judis and Teixeira’s prophesy was coming true.

And yet, as we know, it didn’t.  And why not?  Most obviously, for
all the talk about “diversity,” the reality is that the U.S. is still
more than three-fourths white.  Yes, the “coalition of the ascendant” is
ascending, numerically, but it is starting from a small base. 
Meanwhile, if the white majority is mobilized, it is, well, a majority.

Hence we had the 2010 and 2014 midterms, which were, of course, huge victories for Republicans.  And today, the 2016 polls show most GOP presidential candidates defeating any Democrat.  Indeed, even the pundit class, which has long predicted an inevitable Hillary victory, is now conceding that the GOP has the edge for the White House.  Indeed, in Virgil’s view, the ’16 elections are likely to be the most favorable to Republicans since 1920, when the national GOP ticket won by 26 percentage points.

So with apologies to Judis and Teixeira, someone could write a new book–titled The Submerging Democratic Majority.

As we can see, the Democrats, seeking to get patted on the head by
the Eurocracy, and pandering to win a few more Hispanic votes for a
party dominated by Wall Street and Silicon Valley—leaving the rest of
the country adrift—have been willing to dismantle the patriotic nation
state, disassemble public support for the old New Deal-type welfare
state, and dissociate themselves from the majority, thereby putting
themselves in a politically perilous state.  And to think!  People used
to say that the Republicans were the stupid party!

VI.  Could the Republicans Yet Rescue the Democrats?

So yes, the Democrats are in a heap of trouble.  Here at home, more
Americans seem to be agreeing with Ann Coulter when she argues that
current U.S. policy is “importing terrorism”—even if they have never heard of Ann Coulter.

So this spells big trouble for the Democrats.  Except for one Columbo-ish thing: The GOP could yet save them. 

And how could that happen?  How could Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

And the answer, of course, is that Republicans, currently surfing
high and handsome on a nationalist-patriotic wave, could yet wipe
themselves out on the rocks of Cato-type libertarianism, which becomes,
after a while, almost indistinguishable from Euro-style leftism.  Yes,
the Republican ship might still be lured in, and wrecked, by the siren
song of globalism.  After all, that’s where the money is—Wall Street,
the Koch Brothers, and so on.

As Breitbart executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon recently told The Daily Beast in a profile of Breitbart’s Matt Boyle, the story of American politics over the last few decades has been the emergence of two “Davos Parties”:
That is, both Democrats and Republicans have been happy lapdogs for the
jet-set of globetrotting, globalizing, mostly green, mostly
gay-friendly, all-outsourcing, all-tax-dodging, all-open-bordering,
stratum of billionaires.  So if both parties take the same position on
the issue of no-limits immigration, then, by definition, the
open-borders forces can’t lose.

Yet eventually, the cold arithmetic of political opportunism will
tell at least one of the two parties to break ranks—to go where the
votes are.  And today, that’s the Republicans.  That is, Republicans are
rejecting the once-reigning open-borders Davos orthodoxy.

Of course, this GOP shift will cause some internal pain.  As Mark
Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, and
a stalwart immigration hawk, explained recently about Republican thinking as it has seesawed between the elites and the masses: “At
some point they’re going to have to choose between the voters and the
billionaires.”  And recent history shows that the billionaires have
usually  gotten the long straw; the plutocrats, along with their
platoons of propagandists, have won the hearts and minds of many top
Republicans in recent years, including George W. Bush,

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
, Eric Cantor,
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
, and, until very recently at least,
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Of course, not every conservative trusts the sincerity of Rubio’s conversion.  Indeed, some see his recent attempts to tar

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
with his own brush as yet more desperate cunning.  As recalled by Daniel Horowitz, writing for Conservative Review under the headline, “Cruz Fought Amnesty, Rubio Fought Conservatives”:
When it mattered, Cruz wasn’t just a vote for sovereignty
and security, he was a voice for it.  Rubio wasn’t just a vote for
Obama’s prize agenda, he was a voice for it.  For those of us who fought
with everything we had to defeat the Gang of 8 despite Rubio’s best
effort to score the ultimate game-winning touchdown for Obama, we can’t
just let this go.
And yes, even those of us who are not fans of Donald Trump, that rude and unpresidential man, must give full credit to Trumpism,
the daring and iconoclastic ideology.  In the past year, Trumpism seems
to have  broken the plutocratic spell that has ensorceled Republicans
over the last three decades; today, leading Republicans such as
Cruz—joined by many others, but not including Jeb “Act of Love” Bush—are
coming to newfound populist-nationalist positions.  And so today,
GOPers such as

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
, who were once notable for their lonely courage—are no longer lonely.
Of course, as Barry Goldwater, the long-lived and long-perspectived
senator and presidential candidate, liked to say, “There are no final

Yes, Republicans, “lizard-brained” as we might be, are headed toward a
smashing victory next year.  But then will come the usual sordid
politicking; then, and only then, we will find out if the citizenry
capable of voting against globalization is also the citizenry capable of
paying attention to legislative and regulatory details.  For sure, we
onlookers will be reminded that the donor class has pile-driven its
influence deep into the foundations of both parties.  And that influence
will be hard to uproot; it will certainly take more than one good
presidential election.

But we can close on a happy note: Next year bids to be an auspicious beginning.


Monday, November 23, 2015

“ISIS Delenda Est”—What the Romans Knew About Winning a War

“ISIS Delenda Est”—What the Romans Knew About Winning a War

‘ISIS Delenda Est’—What the Romans Knew About Winning a War

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

I. The Roman Way
In writing about the Paris massacre in The Wall Street JournalPeggy Noonan was blunt:
These primitive, ferocious young men will not stop until we stop them.  The question is how.  That’s the only discussion.
Okay, let’s take up Noonan’s challenge: How do we stop ISIS? Once and for all?
Let’s stipulate that President Obama, who has been waging a phony war against ISIS for over a year, is not the man for the job.  And let’s stipulate, also, that Islam is not “peace,” as George W. Bush so famously suggested back in 2001.
Islam is something different. Not all Muslims are terrorists, not by a long shot, but in its current form, Islam provides safe harbor for way-y-y too many Salafi jihadists, aka, terrorists.  Here at Breitbart, Pamela Geller provides a handy itemization; her list of Islamic terrorist groups runs a full 27 lines.
As the late Samuel Huntington wrote in his landmark 1998 bookThe Clash of Civilizationsa work approvingly cited by 
 earlier this month—Islam has “bloody borders.”

History tells us that no attitude is permanent.  Yet for now, extremist elements within Muslim societies make it impossible for many Muslim states to get along with their neighbors, either near, in Eurasia, or far, in America.
So what should we do in the face of a relentless, and remorseless, enemy?  The Roman Empire had a good answer.  Yes, 2,000 years before Ronald Reagan summed up his Cold War strategy as, “We win, they lose,” the Romans had the same idea.
Rome’s dogged determination to prevail is perhaps best exemplified by its long struggle against the rival empire of Carthage, in what’s now Tunisia.
The Rome-Carthage conflict—the so-called Punic Wars, of which there were three—raged all over the Mediterranean littoral and lasted, on land and sea, for over a century, from 264 BC to 146 BC.  Interestingly, the single best general on either side was the Carthaginian, Hannibal.  His smashing pincer-movement victory over the Romans atCannae in 216 BC is still studied at West Point and other military academies.
And yet the Romans were more organized and resourceful, as well as determined, and, over time, those qualities gave them the edge. For literally decades, the Roman senator Cato the Elder closed every speech to his colleagues with the ringing words, Carthago delenda est—“Carthage must be destroyed.”  And yet Cato, who died in 149 BC, didn’t actually live to see the final victory, which came three years later, when the Roman legionnaires besieged and and conquered the city of Carthage itself.
Appian of Alexandria described the final victory in his Historia Romana, written in the second century AD.  Here’s Appian describing Rome’s final military operations against Carthage; as we can see, under the leadership of General Scipio Africanus, the Roman legionarii were not nice:
Now Scipio hastened to the attack [on] the strongest part of the city, where the greater part of the inhabitants had taken refuge… All places were filled with groans, shrieks, shouts, and every kind of agony. Some were stabbed, others were hurled alive from the roofs to the pavement, some of them alighting on the heads of spears or other pointed weapons, or swords. . . . Then came new scenes of horror.  As the fire spread and carried everything down, the soldiers did not wait to destroy the buildings little by little, but all in a heap. So the crashing grew louder, and many corpses fell with the stones into the midst.  Others were seen still living, especially old men, women, and young children who had hidden in the inmost nooks of the houses, some of them wounded, some more or less burned, and uttering piteous cries.  Still others, thrust out and falling from such a height with the stones, timbers, and fire, were torn asunder in all shapes of horror, crushed and mangled.
You get the idea. Tough stuff, to be sure, but after Scipio’s triumph, Carthage was never again a problem for Rome.  In fact, the Romans not only razed the city but, for good measure, plowed the ground with salt to make sure that nothing would ever grow there.
The Roman historian Tacitus quoted a barbarian enemy to make an approving point about the Roman strategic approach: “And where they make a desert, they call it peace.”  Yes, when the Romans wanted to make a point—they made a point.  We might note that the Roman Empire endured for another 622 years after the fall of Carthage, all the way to 476 AD.
Of course, Americans would never do anything like obliterating Carthage, even if the few German survivors of the 1945 firebombing of Dresden, or the even fewer Japanese survivors of Hiroshima, later that same year, might beg to differ.  Still, we might pause to note that both Germany and Japan—two countries once both full of fight—haven’t so much as raised their fist at us even once in the last 70 years.
II. The Challenge in Our Time
Today, there’s an echo of the old Roman resolve in the voice of many Republicans.  As
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
, who frequently quotes Reagan’s we-win-they-lose maxim, declared the other day, “In a Cruz administration, we will say to militants, if you wage war against America, you are signing your death warrant.”

Needless to say, Cruz doesn’t speak for the intellectually fashionable, who preach a kind of defeatist sophistry.  Among the smart set, it is often said that we shouldn’t attack ISIS because that’s just what they want.   CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, for example, writing of possible US retaliation in the wake of the Paris raid, assures us that ISIS “wants all of this.”  And Sally Kohn, also of CNN, adds her voice: “Bombing terrorists feeds their ideology.”
We’re already caving to ISIS: Bloodthirsty jingoism is precisely what the terrorists want: The chief goal of these terrorists is to launch a “cosmic war.” Bigotry and calls for invasion provide exactly that.
Well, maybe the leftists are correct: Maybe it would be a mistake for us if we defeated ISIS—but maybe not.  Indeed, it sure seems that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, is doing his best to survive.  To be sure, he says he’s ready for martyrdom, but he’s not seeking it out.  If he really wanted to be dead, he already would be.
Yes, there’s something to be said for winning, not losing—for living, not dying.  As Osama bin Laden himself observed, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse.” And of course, it’s no accident that Al Qaeda went into eclipse after bin Laden was killed by US forces in 2011, to be replaced, alas, by ISIS.
To put the matter starkly, being killed suggests that maybe God is not on your side.  It’s perhaps glorious to die for a winning cause, but not so glorious to die for a losing cause.
So let’s hereby resolve that we will be on the winning side.  And let’s get right down to it, and name—yes, name—the central challenge of our time: Defeating the Salafi terrorists once and for all.
Michael Vickers, a counter-terrorism subcabinet official in the Obama and Bush administrations—and an operative with a record going back to the CIA campaign against the Soviets in Afghanistan—is flatly declarative about what must be done; we must defeat ISIS, or ISIL, by depriving it of its territory.  By any name, they—including the remnants of Al Qaeda—need to be defeated and their home-base destroyed:
ISIL, as its name implies, is a de facto state. It holds territory, controls population, and funds its operations from resources that it exploits on territory it controls. If there’s one thing the American military knows how to do it is defeating an opposing force trying to hold ground.
So yes, we must defeat ISIS.  ISIS delenda est.  But yet there are more variables to consider: Unless we plan to do to the Jihadi Zone exactly what the Romans did to the Carthaginians—that is, kill them all—we need a plan for not only pacifying the area, but also for keeping it pacified.
III. Needed: A Grand Alliance
As we think about delenda est-ing ISIS, we need to realize that it won’t be easy—not because ISIS itself is strong, but because it has powerful friends, potentially.
In a nutshell, if we want to be victorious, and be able to keep our victory, we will need the largest possible alliance.
Why?  Because in history, if a small power can get help from bigger powers, then it becomes difficult to defeat that small power, at least at an acceptable cost.
And the US, mighty as it has been, has not been exempt from this rule.   We might recall the history of two frustrating wars in the second half of the last century, Korea and Vietnam.  In the Korean War, the Pyongyang regime could get help from China and the Soviet Union.  And in the Vietnam War, the Hanoi regime could also get help from the same pair of big countries.  In the strategic context of the times, it just wasn’t advisable for us to escalate either conflict and risk World War Three.   The result for America, of course, was a stalemate in Korea and outright defeat in Vietnam.
More recently, in Afghanistan, the insurgents have been getting overt help from Pakistan and covert help from Saudi Arabia and other rich oil states.  And the situation in Iraq was even more of a mess: The Sunni insurgents were getting help from Saudi Arabia, while the Shia insurgents were getting help from Iran.  And, ultimately, our enemies in both Afghanistan and Iraq were being backstopped by China and Russia.
To use the geopolitical jargon, our enemies in North Korea, North Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq all had strategic depth.
And if our opponents have strategic depth, we can fight all we want, and inflict lots of casualties—while suffering more than a few casualties ourselves—and yet still, we won’t win.
Thus the geopolitical lesson: If we want to win, we have to have the bad guys surrounded, cut off from their sources of supply.
That is, we must eliminate the foe’s strategic depth, and that can only be accomplished with diplomacy.  Up to now, as we have seen, American ambitions in the Middle East have been vexed, even thwarted, by deep-strategic enemies.  China and Russia have never wanted to see the US win in Iraq if it meant that Uncle Sam would gain total sway in the oil-rich region.  And so Beijing and Moscow were willing tacitly to support the Iranians, who, of course, hate us and oppose everything we do.  Bush 43 tried to ignore the reality of those countervailing powers, and, as a result, he failed.  Yes, Obama gave away everything in Iraq, but even before he took office in 2009, the Iranians had already effectively taken control of Baghdad.
We’re a strong country, to be sure, but not strong enough to go it alone, or without a carefully thought-through plan.   Yes, we can win battles in the short run, but if we have too many enemies, we can’t make those victories stick.
So we need a strategy—a strategy of alliance.  Yes, that’s the great goal: Build a Grand Alliance against ISIS.
Fortunately, the elements of an alliance are already in place, because, as noted, Islam has “bloody borders,” and that fact makes for many enemies.  Just in the past 15 years, Islamic terrorists have lashed out in every direction.  They have attacked not only Paris, but alsoLondon and Madrid.  Moreover, they have attacked IndiaRussiaChina, and manycountries in Africa.  And oh yes, the United States.  More than once.   The cumulative death toll from Islamist terror reaches into the tens of thousands.
So with patient diplomacy, as well as overwhelming force, the opportunity exists to build a Grand Alliance against ISIS and other murderous extremists.  The big powers—the US, Russia, and China— might not agree on much, but they can agree on the mission of destroying a common foe.   And that’s the beginning of a fruitful alliance.
Moreover, there’s plenty of precedent for dealing even with the devil himself in pursuit of a higher objective.  During World War Two, we were in league with Josef Stalin, who was barely better than Hitler.  And yet Stalin, evil man that he was, proved to be a valuable ally in the fight against the Axis.  Some 80 percent of Nazi German casualties were suffered on the Eastern Front.  We might pause to reflect that if we had been forced to fight the Wehrmacht by ourselves, our losses would have been a lot more than the 213,000 dead that we suffered in the European Theater, and a lot closer to the 8.8 million that the Soviet Red Army lost as it bore the brunt of fighting the same opponent.
So now, today, another Russian, Vladimir Putin, is making the same offer: We will join with you in killing our common enemies.  If we could work together with Russia, ISIS would lose much of its potential strategic depth.  Yet today, plenty of Americans oppose cooperating with the Russians; the Center for Islamic Pluralism, for example, warns of “the Putin trap,” and The Washington Post editorial page, bizarrely, described Secretary of State John Kerry’s critique of Russia as “rather elegant,” before going on to warn that an alliance with Russia would be “a dangerous false step for the United States.”
Yes, Putin is a nogoodnik, and yes, it would be nice, in some utopian world, if the US could avoid messy alliances and stay “clean.”
But here’s the point: Either we have the Russians on our side, or we have them as an enemy.  And if they are working against us on ISIS, we might not win.   Again, our poor track record in the Middle East reminds us that we can’t do everything on our own.
And the same need for cooperation holds true for China.  The People’s Republic contains some 50 million Muslims; Beijing, like Moscow, knows it has a severe internal problem with Islamic radicalism.
The same as Russia, China has openly said that it wants to work with other countries.  Indeed in the wake of the recent ISIS murder of one of its citizens, the governmentdeclared, “China will continue to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation with the international community to maintain peace and tranquillity in the world.”
And yet Western hostility to China, too, is deep.  For example, Reuters put sneer quotes around the word “terrorists” in a story about Chinese counter-terror, as a way of delegitimizing the Chinese effort.  Here’s the headline: “China says 28 foreign-led ‘terrorists’ killed after attack on mine.”
So once again we must say: If the overriding mission is destroying ISIS, then all other concerns have to be subordinated.  And that means working with all foes of ISIS, including Moscow and Beijing.  At that point, ISIS will have no hope.
Of course, we can’t expect victory right away.  As we know, President Obama is not in the least bit interested in defeating ISIS.  He is much more interested in smearing his fellow Americans as racists, and, of course, combating “climate change.”
But things will change in January 2017.  So we can say: If the next American president truly wants to win the war against ISIS, he or she will need to build that Grand Alliance.  So early on, the 45th president should trot the globe, visiting the bloodied and hallowed sites of Paris, Beslan, Mumbai, and some of the many other places around the world where the Salafist terrorists have struck, laying a wreath at each.
That’s how we can achieve ISIS delenda est, permanently.  This is not a call for the total annihilation of the enemy-harboring population; it is simply a plan for guaranteeing that the bad guys are isolated, receiving no help, as well as no quarter.
And of course, if and when we win, we will have to learn the lessons of the previous decade: no more of the dead end of attempted democratic nation-building.  We should be prepared to install a secular strong man atop the post-ISIS rubble of a partitioned Syria and Iraq—where’s Saddam Hussein when you need him?—and then be equally prepared to spend heavily on foreign aid.  And who knows: Perhaps we can even entice the rich Arab countries to help.
Perhaps there will always be Islamist terrorists.  But the more defeats they suffer, the less appeal they will have.  There used to be lots of militant anarchists and Marxists—but hey, young people aren’t attracted to loser causes.
So let’s make it utterly, totally, absolutely clear that Salafi terrorism is a loser cause.  This is how a great, and enduring, nation takes care of business.