Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Study: Laying Off Pot Improved Teens' Learning : Shots - Health News : NPR


Study: Laying Off Pot Improved Teens' Learning : Shots - Health News : NPR: "The adolescent brain is undergoing significant neurodevelopment well into the 20s, and the regions that are last to develop are those regions that are most populated by cannabis receptors and are also very critical to cognitive functioning," says Randi Schuster. Schuster is the director of neuropsychology at Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Addiction Medicine and the study's lead author.

Does a Reef Tank Need Carbon? | Joe Jaworski's Weblog


Does a Reef Tank Need Carbon? | Joe Jaworski's Weblog: There is no doubt that the biggest selling maintenance product in the aquarium industry is Activated Carbon. This long time filter media started as Bone Charcoal 150 years ago, and it’s been …

How to stop Google from tracking your location and activities | The Download Blog - CNET


How to stop Google from tracking your location and activities | The Download Blog - CNET Don't want the search giant to track you anymore? Just follow these simple steps.

Illegal Immigration: It's About Power | PragerU


Illegal Immigration: It's About Power | PragerU: Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains. Click here to take a brief survey about this video.