Tuesday, December 25, 2018

New study confirms business flight from California accelerating – Press Telegram


New study confirms business flight from California accelerating – Press Telegram: The evidence is more than anecdotal. According to a recent study, business flight out of California has accelerated to an unprecedented level. In 2016, the year for which the most recent data is available, 1,800 businesses moved out or “disinvested” from California. This is the highest one-year total in the nine-year history of tracking by the study’s author.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Over the past five years, Seattle has seen an explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. | Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal


Over the past five years, Seattle has seen an explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. | Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal: Record numbers of homeless people are occupying the city’s public spaces, despite massive government spending to fight the problem.

Risky Reliance: The US's Dependence on China for Rare Earth Minerals


Risky Reliance: The US's Dependence on China for Rare Earth Minerals: A Chinese warship's aggression against a U.S. Navy vessel last month makes questionable the wisdom of American dependency on China for 71% of America's rare earth minerals (REM). According to a recent U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) summary report, the U.S. produces only 24% of the REMs needed to produce many American manufacturing necessities. Rare earth minerals are necessary for agriculture fertilizers, high-tech and green energy products, oil-refining processes, and military equipment.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Germany's green transition has hit a brick wall - CFACT

 Can "renewables" dent the World’s need for Electricity?

Germany's green transition has hit a brick wall - CFACT:

More people are
finally beginning to realize that supplying the world with sufficient,
stable energy solely from sun and wind power will be impossible.

took on that challenge, to show the world how to build a society based
entirely on “green, renewable” energy. It has now hit a brick wall.
Despite huge investments in wind, solar and biofuel energy production
capacity, Germany has not reduced CO2 emissions over the last ten years.
However, during the same period, its electricity prices have risen
dramatically, significantly impacting factories, employment and poor

Farewell to Syria


Farewell to Syria: Trump is right in his decision to pull the U.S. forces out of Syria. Hopefully, he will soon follow with Afghanistan. For too long, the wars there have played a disproportionate role in U.S. foreign policy. Many American lives have been lost to little purpose, and heaven only knows how many of trillions of dollars have been wasted. Instead of squandering our forces in Middle Eastern quagmires and the barren mountains of Afghanistan, America's military attention needs to be on China, a country that is a true threat to U.S. national interest.

Bienvenidos a Mexico: California's ballot-harvesting, sure enough, is borrowed from Mexico


Bienvenidos a Mexico: California's ballot-harvesting, sure enough, is borrowed from Mexico: Real Clear Investigations has a must-read
piece on just how bad ballot-harvesting is and where the fraud-infused
idea comes from.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Gallup Poll Shows Split On Dem and Public Priorities | Investor's Business Daily

Gallup Poll Shows Split On Dem and Public Priorities | Investor's Business Daily: A Gallup Poll taken after the midterms finds that, according to those surveyed, the top problem facing the country is … government.

You know, the government that Democrats want to vastly expand by socializing health care, providing free college, guaranteed government jobs, a "Green New Deal."

Let's get this straight: All totalitarianism is leftist

 Let's get this straight: All totalitarianism is leftist

Let's get this straight: All totalitarianism is leftist: Those who seek state power, which is to say leftists, invariably paint their opponents as "Nazis." Wrong.

The war on Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day, and...


The war on Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day, and...: The truth of the matter is that leftists do not really hate Halloween, or Columbus Day, or Thanksgiving Day per se. The attacks on the holidays are just the tip of the iceberg. Saturated with hatred, deep down, their real hate is for the country, the society that they live in; the holidays and the anthem are just manifestations of America (or Canada). They are addicted – yes, addicted – to hate. That is one of the characteristics of a liberal personality.

Texas city featured in Al Gore film lost millions in green energy investments

 Texas city featured in Al Gore film lost millions in green energy investments

Texas city featured in Al Gore film lost millions in green energy investments: As usual, the promise of solar energy never quite pans out.

green energy scheme to supply a small town in Texas with 100% of its
electrical needs via cheap solar and wind power is, instead, costing the
city almost $7 million.

Georgetown, Texas was featured in the sequel to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth
as the "future" of American power generation.  But falling fossil fuel
prices are making the scheme ruinously expensive for the town.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Corrupt Vote Harvest in Orange CountyThe American Spectator


The Corrupt Vote Harvest in Orange CountyThe American Spectator: Why ballot harvesting must be made illegal.

Unlike Stacey Abrams, the Democrat sore loser in Georgia; Bill Nelson, the Democrat sore loser in Florida; Hillary Clinton and her Year 2016 Democrat sore losers; and Al Gore and his Year 2000 Democrat sore losers, I accept that the Democrats have obtained the House seats they flipped in Orange County and elsewhere in California after tons of come-from-behind votes were tallied many days after Election Day. This article therefore looks ahead to infinity and beyond. In particular, all fifty states rapidly must act to ban ballot harvesting.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Windows 10 tip: Run Ubuntu Linux in an enhanced Hyper-V session | ZDNet


Windows 10 tip: Run Ubuntu Linux in an enhanced Hyper-V session | ZDNet: Microsoft now makes Ubuntu Linux available as a preconfigured Hyper-V virtual machine. Here's how to set up your VM and avoid a few gotchas.

Windows 10 tip: How to enable Hyper-V and create virtual machines | ZDNet


Windows 10 tip: How to enable Hyper-V and create virtual machines | ZDNet: Every business edition of Windows 10 includes a full-strength virtualization platform, Hyper-V. If your PC meets the requirements, you can begin creating virtual machines for testing software and services without risking your daily productivity.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Nearly the entire country gets it wrong on the minimum wage | TheHill


Nearly the entire country gets it wrong on the minimum wage | TheHill: Can employers afford to pay more than twice as much for entry-level labor? The CBO methodology would suggest millions of lost jobs as a result.

Practical experience in places like Seattle, where workers are actually losing money under a similar plan, would seem to support the CBO.

The French Dilemma


The French Dilemma: So, the Yellow Vests are calling for Emmanuel Marcon to resign. Okay, what if he does? What will change in France? Nothing. Who will replace Macron? It really doesn't matter. At this stage, French society and its economy might be nonreformable regardless who resides in the Élysée Palace.

Dumping Windows and installing Linux Mint, in just 10 minutes | ZDNet


Dumping Windows and installing Linux Mint, in just 10 minutes | ZDNet: One of my netbooks needed refreshing, and I decided to dump Windows completely and install only Linux Mint. The entire process took 10 minutes. Here are the details.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Best And Worst States For Retirement: All 50 States, Ranked | Bankrate.com

 Mt Rushmore South Dakota

The Best And Worst States For Retirement: All 50 States, Ranked | Bankrate.com: South Dakota is the best state for retirement, according to a new Bankrate study, followed by Utah, Idaho, New Hampshire and Florida. New York, meanwhile, makes life hardest on those who recently escaped the daily grind. Even well-trod retirement destinations Arizona and New Mexico finished in the bottom half of our ranking. Find out where your state ranks.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Kavanaugh and Roberts Reject Cases Involving Planned Parenthood

 Kavanaugh, Roberts, Planned Parenthood

Kavanaugh and Roberts Reject Cases Involving Planned Parenthood: The Supreme Court refused to take two cases involving Medicaid because the cases involve Planned Parenthood,

WASHINGTON, DC – The Supreme Court on Monday refused to take two
cases involving Medicaid lawsuits, with Justices Thomas, Alito, and
Gorsuch expressing concern that some of their colleagues – likely
meaning John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh – are “abdicating our judicial
duty” because the cases involve Planned Parenthood, which many Americans
equate with abortion rights.

Friday, December 7, 2018

China 2018 = Japan 1918


China 2018 = Japan 1918: China is following the path that Japan took in the years leading up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor 77 years ago.

Climate-Modeling Illusions Not Based on Reality


Climate-Modeling Illusions Not Based on Reality: the man-caused global warming or climate change panic may well be the best hobgoblin ever conceived. It has half the world clamoring to be led to safety from climate change without a shred of physical evidence. Every single statement issued to support these fearmongering claims presented in a new 1,500-page report from 13 separate agencies of the federal government by 300 Obama-appointed scientists, has no basis in physical measurements or observations.

Saturday, December 1, 2018