Liberals Have Gone Mental: Modern liberalism is diseased. It is wrought by mental maladies exacerbated by postmodernism’s delusional insistence that empirical facts are figments of white male rule. This warped view subverts reality if it doesn’t conform to their revisionist left-wing propaganda.
Listen: Rush Limbaugh Tells the 'True Story of Thanksgiving' | Breitbart: Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh told what he has labeled the “true story of Thanksgiving” to his listeners, an annual tradition of his that was originally detailed in a passage of his 1992 book “See, I Told You So.” | Video
Election Slaughter for Climate Activism: In the midterms, voters throughout the country inflicted a bloodbath on climate activism and climate-activist political candidates.
Global Warming and Fake Science: According to the promoters of global warming, climate doom is just around the corner. But it never seems to arrive. About 10 years ago the brand name global warming was changed to climate change. The reason was simple. The Earth was failing to warm. An additional benefit of the climate change slogan was that everything that goes wrong with the weather can be blamed on climate change, caused by burning fossil fuels.