Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Articles: Disenfranchising American Voters

Articles: Disenfranchising American Voters

Disenfranchising American Voters

Declaration of Independence established the basic idea that the
government of the nation must be made up of elected legislators who
answer to the will of the people. But in recent years the Democrat Party
of the United States, and specifically President Obama, have made a
willful effort to enact laws and policies without the consent of the

are engaged in dismantling the legislative branches of the Federal and
state governments using two strategies. The first strategy is to refuse
to enforce existing legislation. The goal of this strategy is to undo
the legislation of the past, and by default, make actions legal that
were previously illegal. All laws require residents to either perform an
action, such as the law that mandates a drivers license to operate an
automobile on public streets; or to refrain from an action, such as the
laws that require drivers not to exceed a posted speed limit.

are always some people who, for various reasons, want to avoid
complying with the law. But if the law is never enforced, or worse, if
public officials go on television and proclaim that the law will not be
enforced, then there is no reason for the majority of people to obey the

some point if laws are not enforced then the original intent of the
legislators, and therefore the people they represented, is nullified. In
effect, a law is amended or repealed without the consent of the

most prominent area where laws are repealed through lack of enforcement
is in the issue of Federal immigration law enforcement. Democrats have
used their non-enforcement strategy to repeal immigration law.

is fair to characterize this action as perpetrated primarily through
the Democrat Party, since their officials have taken the most drastic,
and illegal, actions to nullify immigration law. For example, in 1979
the City of Los Angeles issued Special Order 40. This order, issued by
the police department, clearly stated that it will not play any role in
the enforcement of Federal immigration law. To this day the order
remains in effect.

with Immigration enforcement is a violation of the 1996 Immigration
Act. It is also a violation of law for a police chief to openly disobey
laws that are on the books. Nothing is done since promoting the movement
of illegal immigrants is obviously a high priority on the Democrat
Party’s national agenda.

Davis, a Court Clerk in Carter County, Kentucky, was arrested and
jailed for refusing to sign marriage certificates requested by same sex
couples, just weeks after the Supreme Court ruled, improperly, that
same-sex marriage is an issue under the purview of the Constitution.
Yet, to this day, not one official in San Francisco who refused to
follow ICE directives to retain illegal immigrants has been arrested.
Kim Davis’ actions did not lead to any deaths.

when Congressman James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin proposed a law making
any illegal immigrant guilty of a felony, Chicago’s Mayor Daley
immediately stated that if that proposal became law he would “order the
police to not enforce it.” He was not arrested. Not a single public
official in any town, city, or state who openly flouted immigration law
has ever been arrested and jailed. 

repealed existing legislation through selective non-enforcement the
next step was for Democrats to enact their own. Since their larger goal
is to disable the Federal governments’ legislative body, the Congress,
President Obama has invented, in the past five years, other means of
dismantling the ability of the people to pass and enforce laws through
the Congress. 

This contrast does not just point to hypocrisy or a double standard, it points to the reason for the double standard.

Davis was challenging a law passed by fiat by unelected Supreme Court
Justices. As appointed officials, justices do not respond to voters.
They are not legislators. And as Chief Justice Roberts observed in his dissent, they
were doing nothing but legislating law, since the terms marriage,
married, or any other words refer referring to the institution of
marriage do not exist in the Constitution. And the Constitution clearly
states that any powers not given to the Federal government belong
exclusively to the States. 

Obama’s actions prove he has knowingly and willfully disenfranchised
Congress. He, with the help of Senate leader Harry Reid, refused to pass
a Federal budget for over four years. The budget is a list of
appropriations approved by the representatives of the people. By
refusing to pass a budget, the president bypassed the votes of the
people. Unchallenged, he then became more emboldened to violate the
Constitution and dismantle Congress by issuing executive orders, such as
his order to stop deportations of illegal immigrants. 

only does the Constitution clearly state that naturalization is a power
exclusive to Congress, the president affirmed this when he had his
attorney general go after Arizona for SB 1070. The president’s Justice
Department at that time argued that Arizona had no legal authority to
enforce or not enforce immigration law, since only the Federal
government has jurisdiction over immigration law. Then he violated his
own assertion.

facts show that Democrats have long been engaged in an effort to seize
control of the government of the U.S. They are dismantling the
legislatures of the states and Congress with a two-pronged attack: 1) to
repeal existing laws by refusing to enforce them, and 2) to issue new
laws and regulations through Obama’s executive orders, appointed judges,
SCOTUS justices,  the four public sector unions, Federal public union
employees, and the 32 czars the
president illegally appointed to make policy throughout the Federal
government. Democrats seek to replace the “consent of the governed” with
a small oligarchy of persons given power through appointment.  

Democrats have long disenfranchised voters at the micro level through
vote fraud, their new macro tactic is to not worry about getting their
party’s candidates elected to pass laws but to just go ahead and refuse
to enforce laws that don’t agree with their party’s policies.

are not pursuing anarchy. President Obama is pursuing a carefully
orchestrated national Democratic Party plan to dominate American
politics, energy production, financial markets, foreign policy, social
issues, and urban demographics for decades. Significantly, Obama’s two
landmark achievements, the Iran “deal” and ObamaCare, were never
supported by a majority of voters.

nullification of established law is nothing but a theft of governmental
authority. It is legislative and constitutional corruption. And it
appears that President Obama and his party have  been, up until now, the
nation’s greatest practitioners of it.

may be very disconcerting for those who vote for Democrats, since they
have been convinced that Democrats stand for justice, equality, and
civil rights. Democrats like to say they support voters’ rights. But
their nullification of existing law proves that they totally disrespect
the rights of voters in the past, and Obama’s executive orders and
disdain for the legitimate legislative input of Congress prove an
absolute disrespect of current voters. Democrats don’t want equality  --
they want to rule it all. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Articles: Bag This Tax

Articles: Bag This Tax

Bag This Tax

I write about matters which have national import, but bear with me as I
discuss the Washington, D.C. tax on plastic bags. I chose it because I
think it is a perfect illustration of how foolishly government behaves.
If one wanted a better example of how elected officials jump at any
chance to control behavior using tax laws, rely on unscientific bases
for legislation, and then waste the new revenue they get on phony
propaganda lying about the effectiveness of their program, they could
find no better example than D.C.’s tax on plastic bags.


Like many really dumb ideas, this one started in San Francisco. In 2007, San Francisco banned disposable plastic grocery bags.

D.C.’s city council jumped on the bandwagon, imposing a five-cent tax
on plastic bags given out by grocery, convenience, and liquor stores.
They ignored consumer plaints that these were valuable for toting
groceries, were reused in countless ways -- from wrapping garbage to
picking up after their dogs -- and were not being littered about.
Instead they claimed the funds were needed to clean up the Anacostia
River, targeting plastic bags as a major source of river pollution

date, the evidence indicates the program -- designed to control
behavior and not incidentally to add more revenue to the city’s coffers
-- has not changed behavior. Moreover, the money was being misspent
outside the clear terms of the law. The tax has far more detrimental
environmental impact than the bags. It puts the burden on the poorest to
fatten the pockets of a large administrative staff that is spending a
lot of money on feel-good projects and propaganda rather than cleanup.
The government estimates of the revenue generated fails to account for
the illnesses caused by reusable bags. Last, but not least, the
government has put off  dealing with the major source of pollution of
the Anacostia River -- industrial waste -- and grossly underestimated
the cost of the fanciful notion that the water easily can  be made
swimmable and fishable .

The Tax Did Not Change Public Behavior

In 2013, in an effort  to show that the tax was working and changing public behavior, the council relied on a report
by the Ferguson Foundation financed by $60,000 of the bag tax revenue, a
study which claimed the tax had resulted in a sixty percent reduction
of bag use. 

In actuality, it was fatally flawed
-- based as it was on a gross overestimate at the starting point. In
fact, the revenue figures gleaned from the affected stores showed no
drop in fee revenue.

If the tax is 5 cents per bag and the revenue total is not dropping, people are buying the same number of bags and not changing
their behavior. (Of course, it may even have gone up since some are
getting the bags from sources that are not taxed -- like buying the
T-shirt bags online as I have or from veterinarians giving them to dog
owners to aid in clean ups -- none of which shows up in the tax revenue

response to the claim by the District Official that there was a visible
difference even if the revenue figures showed otherwise, even the
Ferguson Foundation, whose estimate was so flawed, demurred from this
anecdotal defense.

The Revenue Obtained by Misrepresentation has been Misspent

The bag fee has generated $10 million for the Anacostia River Clean-Up and Protection Fund. Washington Post
reporters Amy Brittain and Steven Rich used the Freedom of Information
Act to winkle out how this money is being spent. And the wasteful, if
not illegal, misuse of the money is evident.

for success are admittedly nonscientific and vary widely, and more of
the fund money has been allocated for field trips for schoolchildren and
employee salaries than to tangible cleanup projects on the river and
its watershed.

largest grant from the fund so far, $1.2 million, will be paid over the
next two years to send every D.C. fifth-grader on a two-night field
trip at campsites outside the District, some up to 30 miles from the
Anacostia River. Ten thousand children will participate in activities
designed to provide a “meaningful watershed education experience,” such as canoeing, talking about trash, conducting water-quality experiments and learning to milk a cow.[Emphasis supplied.]

addition, more than $1.7 million of fund money went toward personnel
costs, according to data provided to The Post under the D.C. Freedom of
Information Act.

Post’s review showed that only about one-third of spending and
allocations had gone toward trash traps to clean the river, rain barrels
and rain gardens to catch runoff, green roofs, tree plantings, or
stream restoration.

70 percent of the $10 million has been spent. About a million of it
went to remediation measures like trash traps and rain barrels but more
than $600,000 was spent on advertising (“Skip the Bag, Save the River”)
and another $29,000 preposterously to ask people how they felt about

good deal of the money was spent contrary to the clear language of the
law to pay for pre-existing salaries, and was covered up by audit

Plastic Bags Have No Appreciable Impact on Litter, while Reusable Bags Increase Incidents of Intestinal Illnesses

Last year, Lance Christiansen, writing in Reason, reported
that the bags contribute little to solid waste, are not a major cause
of blocked storm drains, and that the “county’s own studies showed that
litter actually increased” when the bags were banned.

the Department of Public Health has warned, “During the warmer months,
the increased temperatures can promote the growth of bacteria that may
be present on [reusable] bags.”

encourage users to wash their reusable bags “frequently.” This of
course consumes water -- and if the advice were followed rigorously,
“reusable” bags would consume as much as 40 times more water than
lightweight plastic bags.

dismiss this advice, bragging that they never wash their bags. In those
cases, they are putting themselves and other consumers at risk as
bacteria spreads easily in shopping carts and at checkout counters.

our research demonstrated enormous direct and indirect costs on
California’s consumers. If California’s 12.4 million households spend
five minutes each week cleaning their shopping bags to get rid of germs
and bacteria, the annual opportunity cost would be more than $1.5

The bag ban is likely to disproportionately burden the working poor and those households on a tight budget.

Professor Eugene Volokh expanded on the unintended consequences of such feel good measures.

examine emergency room admissions related to these bacteria in the wake
of the San Francisco ban. We find that ER visits spiked when the ban
went into effect. Relative to other counties, ER admissions increase by
at least one fourth, and deaths exhibit a similar increase.

results really should not be all that surprising. As Businessweek
reports, prior research found that few people regularly wash reusable
grocery bags or take other precautionary steps (such as using separate
bags for meat and produce). So, not surprisingly, tests find coliform
and even e.coli bacteria in a significant percentage of bags.

The True Cause of the Anacostia River’s Pollution and Cost of Cleaning It Up

From the Washington Post:

lot of waste has been dumped into the waterway. The Navy Yard, once the
world’s largest producer of naval ordnance, sits on the Anacostia and
has been accused of leaking carcinogenic PCBs into the water for
decades. The riverbanks have hosted a coal gasification plant, a rail
yard, power and gas facilities and other heavy industry, all of which
used chemicals that could pollute the water.

out the extent of the pollution, cleaning it up and assessing the cost
of the cleanup -- which may well run to a billion dollars -- is a hard
job. But teaching kids how to milk cows 30 miles away from the river and
paying ad agencies hundreds of thousands of dollars to bamboozle voters
into thinking they are making a difference is the low road easy choice
my local politicians have chosen.

Tell me -- Is it any different where you live?

Articles: Do We Still Have Unalienable Rights?

Articles: Do We Still Have Unalienable Rights?

Do We Still Have Unalienable Rights?

rights are rights the government cannot take away.  But in order for
the principle to work, government cannot be the highest authority.

no consensus of higher authority exists, then government is on its own
to determine right and wrong.  If no consensus exists, then the central
government's capricious authority becomes absolute.

recently asked the Kentucky clerk refusing to issue a same sex marriage
license: "Under whose authority can you deny the license?"

Kim Davis, the clerk in Rowan County, answered, "Under God's authority."  Ridicule and derision have been spewing from the tolerant left continuously since the shocking statement was made.

But the issue raises fundamental questions relating to American liberty.

Can the state force a citizen to do something against her religious conscience?

the Davis matter, because the clerk works for the local government, the
most relevant issue is whether the federal government actually has
jurisdiction over the family law decisions of the states and localities
in the first place.  Why should the federal government be allowed to
force the states and localities to act against their collective moral
conscience?  Should it matter that 30 states (including Kentucky) went
through an arduous legal process to amend their constitutions to affirm
the time-honored definition of marriage?

whether considering instances of private individuals who refuse to
provide services for same-sex marriages or the Davis matter, the issue
comes down to opposing paradigms of right and wrong.

Sanctioning homosexual marriage is ostensibly required by the federal courts because a new liberty interest
was curiously discovered in the U.S. Constitution.  As such, a number
of state legislatures must write new laws expanding the traditional
definition of marriage to accommodate the new morality (or they must get
legally creative to protect the religious conscience of the people).

One side believes that homosexual behavior is malum in se
activity, under which understanding changing the definition of marriage
sanctions wrongful conduct and is thus unconscionable.  The other side
views it in terms of freedom and equality, asserting that denying
non-traditional marriage is wrong.

the courts find a new right hidden in the Constitution, should the
newly discovered right trump the unalienable rights of citizens if these
rights collide?

1973, the U.S. Supreme Court found a constitutional right to abortion.
 But government has not tried to force anyone to have an abortion.

The same-sex marriage issue is both alarming and unique in American history.

American experiment is based upon a firm public consensus of faith in a
discernible God.  Without the consensus, the entire system of liberty
from central control cannot work.  There was a common understanding at
the time of our founding as to who God is and where our moral compass is

God of our Declaration of Independence makes liberty possible.  "We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

that amazing statement from the Declaration is to have any meaning, it
must have a workable context.  If the Creator is subjective and
unknowable, liberty and happiness cannot reasonably be limited or even
commonly defined.

state can take life and liberty legitimately only within a moral
context of right and wrong.  So far as happiness, not every pursuit that
makes one happy is right, or even legal.

We should be able to see that without context, happiness has no limits.  What makes me happy is right for me, and what makes you happy is right for you.
 Is our foundational document, the Declaration, saying that God gives
us an unrestricted right to pursue happiness irrespective of right and
wrong?  And that that right, unanchored from any moral code, is

If so, then we have the unalienable right to do whatever we want (if we have a big enough political lobby).

Of course, that's absurd and can lead only to chaos and tyranny.

and wrong have to be based on absolute, self-evident truths, and the
only way the concept works to limit government authority is to have
consensus on a source of higher authority.

Kentucky clerk is a two-headed alien monster to those who have reached a
consensus on right and wrong based on moral relativism, in fundamental
opposition to what has been embraced by every prior generation of

statement of Kim Davis is profound in that it encapsulates the
safeguard that has kept Americans free from government abuse and tyranny
until now.

much of the current generation has yet to grasp the profundity in the
concept of unalienable rights by divine authority being over the
authority of government.  If we have no unalienable rights from God, we
are left with the shifting sentiment of public opinion as orchestrated
by dominant media forces, and the capriciousness of the state.

we have no common understanding of the God of the Bible we have no
moral compass as understood by Americans since the first landing. The
true genius of the American experiment is the prevention of tyranny by
acknowledgement that the state is not the highest authority.

course, there must be consensus that the Bible is our moral compass and
that its precepts of right and wrong cannot be contradicted by the
state.  And most fundamentally, that the state cannot force a citizen to
do something in violation of religious conscience as understood within
the perimeters of America's historic context.

since the Bible is not mentioned in the Declaration, who can say it was
ever the source of knowing right and wrong and self-evident truths?

the patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence "appeal[ed] to
the Supreme Judge of the world … with a firm reliance on the protection
of divine Providence [and] mutually pledge[d] to each other [their]
Lives … Fortunes and … sacred Honor," they knew to Whom they were
appealing and relying upon for protection as they defied the Crown and
prepared for war.

The fact that Benjamin Franklin
quoted the Bible to the Christian delegates who had reached an impasse
at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and requested that members of
the Christian clergy from Philadelphia begin opening the Convention
sessions in prayer each morning speaks a library of volumes on
understanding American liberty.

founders did not create a Christian nation; the delegates who drafted
the U.S. Constitution created a government for the already existing
Christian nation.

Constitution is marked "in the Year of our Lord," and there is no doubt
that "our Lord" is Christ.  Was that merely a standard 18th-century way
of referencing the date without any meaning?  It's not used today
because it has no relevance and meaning for many.  But back then, the
language was used precisely because of its relevance and meaning.  The
delegates certainly did not have to add the language.

Statute of Religious Liberty, written by Thomas Jefferson, drives that
point home.  The document's reference to Christ is made with fundamental
relevance and meaning.

The law
was written to end forced financial support of the clergy.  Jefferson
uses Christ as the example of how religion should be supported: without
compulsion.  But truly remarkable is the acknowledgement in Virginia law
of the common religion (general Christianity) of Virginians and of the
consensus regarding the holiness and power of Christ:

support of clergy] tend[s] only to beget habits of hypocrisy and
meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our
religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to
propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his Almighty power to do,
but to extend it by its influence on reason alone[.]

crisis we now face is that our former consensus that the Almighty is
the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible is gone.  Without a common
understanding of who God is and what His precepts are, we have no source
for right and wrong and consequently no basis for unalienable rights.
 We no longer have the foundation of American liberty – the
understanding that our essential rights are from God.

relying upon higher authority to claim an unalienable right becomes
cause for contempt, American liberty may already be lost.

Monte Kuligowski is a Virginia attorney.

For Obama and the Left, 'Never Forget' Is Bulls*** - Breitbart

For Obama and the Left, 'Never Forget' Is Bulls*** - Breitbart

For Obama and the Left, ‘Never Forget’ Is Bulls***


AP Photo/Bryan R. Smith 


Today, everyone in the media will repeat “Never Forget”
regarding September 11. The President of the United States tweeted, “14
years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, we honor those we lost. We
salute all who serve to keep us safe. We stand as strong as ever.”

Every year, America substitutes counterfeit unity for the unity that
temporarily united us on 9/11. We wave flags, our politicians blather,
and our media members dab at their eyes. We remember where we were when
9/11 happened.

But for a large percentage of the country, “Never Forget” is bulls***.

Not the feelings of horror of course; we all remember those. But
“Never Forget” means more than remembering collapsing towers and
Americans choosing to die by leaping from a thousand feet rather than
burning to death. It means more than welling up when we hear “God Bless
America.” “Never Forget” means never forget what, how, who, and why.
We’ve remembered the what. We’re actively fostering the how, funding the
who, and ignoring the why.

The How. 9/11 occurred because America went to sleep
on its enemies. We blinded ourselves to signal after signal that our
enemies targeted us, from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing to the
bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania to the USS Cole
bombing. We pretended that none of it mattered, that we were
impregnable and invulnerable, that Islamic terrorism was a law
enforcement problem rather than a war being fought by one side against
another hell-bent on ignoring it.

Then 9/11 happened. It happened not because we lacked an
administrative bureaucracy called the Department of Homeland Security,
but because we had become, in the words of Osama Bin Laden, a “paper tiger.”
Bin Laden, in 1998, specifically cited the “low morale of the American
soldier” and our retreat from Somalia under President Clinton as an
emboldening factor in his campaign of terrorism.

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama has spent
years crippling the American military. The US Army has been cut to
450,000 active duty soldiers. The Democrats have mandated massive military cuts in every budget negotiation. Former Marine Corps strategic planner Dakota Woods of the Heritage Foundation wrote in February,
“The US military is rapidly approaching a one-war-capable force.”
General Ray Odierno, Army Chief of Staff, has said that if the active
force hits 420,000 soldiers, it would fail its global commitments.

Aside from his drone war against members of al Qaeda – a decision to
avoid political controversy rather than fighting a successful war, which
would require boots on the ground to consolidate gains – President
Obama has spent considerable effort crippling efforts to fight terrorism
around the world. He has ruled out enhanced interrogation techniques
against terrorists and given terrorists Constitutional rights. He has
traded terrorists for a deserter. He has released terrorists back into
circulation in order to pursue his goal of shutting down Guantanamo Bay.

Meanwhile, the President of the United States has joined a
broad-scale attack on domestic law enforcement, pushing a campaign
against police that has emboldened rioters and criminals.

The Who. The people who attacked us on 9/11 were
Islamic supremacists. This does not mean that all Muslims agreed with
the 9/11 terrorists, although a broad swath
of Muslims in many Muslim countries did. Palestinians handed out
candies in the streets as the towers fell on 9/11. The government of
Afghanistan housed Al Qaeda; Iraq provided material support to Al Qaeda
and other terrorist entities; Iran provided enormous support to Islamic
terrorist groups including Al Qaeda (a federal judge found connection
between Iran and Al Qaeda with regard to the USS Cole attack,
for example); the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Libyan terrorist
entities made common cause with Al Qaeda. The list goes on and on, but
the question of “who” is not a difficult one.

Unless you are a politically correct Republican or Democrat. George
W. Bush’s bizarre attempt to simultaneously label Islam a “religion of
peace” while targeting “radicals” within Islam has borne poisonous
fruit: the Obama-esque notion that Islamic terrorism must never be
mentioned at all.

Then, you must forcibly disabuse the American people of any
connection between Islam and terrorism. When a Muslim terrorist murders
13 soldiers at Fort Hood, the government calls it an incident of
“workplace violence.” When Pamela Geller’s “Draw Mohammed” event drew
Muslim terrorists, Obama-friendly media spent days talking about the
evils of Pamela Geller.

Obama has taken this stupidity to new heights on the international
level, where he has stated repeatedly that the Islamic State is not
Islamic. As Christians are murdered by radical Muslims across the world,
Obama says nothing. The Muslim Brotherhood, the ideological forefathers
of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, are just another political group,
according to Obama – and Obama tried to uphold the Muslim Brotherhood
dictatorship over the secular government of General Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi. When al-Sisi called for a reformation within Islam, Obama
simply ignored him.

The evidence that Iraq was a terror state pursuing weapons of mass
destruction was flawed, but the justification for going to war with such
a state was not. Nonetheless, the President of the United States
ignores the fact that Iranian forces are responsible for over 1,000
American deaths in Iraq, ignores the fact that Iran has committed to
Israel’s destruction, and ignores the fact that Iran has pursued and
will continue to pursue nuclear weapons, and then rams through an
unconstitutional treaty that will give $150 billion to the world’s worst
sponsor of terrorism, with no restrictions as to funding of terrorism.
Meanwhile, we play Iran’s air force in Iraq against ISIS, all after
surrendering victory in Iraq so as to hand the country over to the two
warring groups. In Afghanistan, we are now negotiating with the Taliban,
the same group of people who gave Al Qaeda safe haven.

In Libya, the Obama administration forcibly overthrew a violent
secular Muslim dictator in favor of a far more violent and brutal
terrorist rule, then left Americans in Benghazi naked before their wrath
so as not to offend the locals. In Syria, President Obama’s
administration first characterized dictator Bashar Assad as a reformer,
then drew a red line against Assad’s use of chemical weapons, then
turned the whole problem over to the Russians – and then announced that
America would accept thousands of refugees from Syria. President Obama’s
preference for Turkey over Israel has reinforced the extremist Islam of
the Turkish leadership.

Our enemy made itself clear on 9/11. In many cases, we’ve now joined their side, even as they continue to attack us.

The Why. We did not deserve 9/11. Al Qaeda targeted America, according to Osama Bin Laden’s own writings,
because of our support for Israel, our attempts to stop warlords from
murdering innocents in Somalia, our support for the Indian regime over
Pakistani terrorism in Kashmir, our opposition to terrorist group
Hezbollah in Lebanon, our opposition to shariah law governments, and our
placement of military bases in the Middle East to prevent aggression by
Saddam Hussein. Bin Laden suggested that in order to avoid future
attacks, the United States would have to convert to Islam, renounce all
sexually immoral acts under Islamic definition, and give up our laws in
favor of shariah. In other words, we were attacked for doing good things and standing for basic principles of liberty. Support for Israel is morally good. Opposing Hezbollah and Hamas and Somali warlords and Pakistani terror groups is morally good. Not abiding by shariah law is morally good.

The American left does not believe that we deserved 9/11 because of
our support for homosexuality, or think that we should embrace shariah
law, of course. But they do believe that America has been a general
force for evil in the world, and that the real Islamist complaint springs from poverty and American injustice causing it.

Fundamentally, a large wing of Americans believe that America
deserved 9/11 – and that wing has a major influence on the Democratic
Party in particular. Barack Obama sat in Jeremiah “America’s Chickens
Are Coming Home To Roost” Wright’s church for 20 years, then shrugged it
off in a pathetically self-serving speech. Newly crowned king of
leftist race theory Ta-Nehisi Coates has written in his book about
getting high while watching 9/11 occur from the top of his apartment
building, and feeling “nothing at all.” President Obama spent his early
presidency telling the Islamic world that America had been arrogant, and
wrote in his book that the “desperation and disorder of the powerless”
creates terrorism. The solution: giving the powerless power. And that
has been President Obama’s mission – which, incidentally, was the
mission of those who celebrated 9/11. Perhaps Obama believes that given
power, such believers in evil will change their ways. They won’t.

There is an impact to forgetting the how, the who, and the why of 9/11: more death, more destruction, more 9/11s.

So, today, when the media and our politicians put on their somber
faces and show the images of collapsing towers, understand that those
tears mask a mentality that will bring about future 9/11s. The sincerity
of their grief isn’t in question; the sincerity of “Never Forget”
certainly is.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Truth About Climate Change Liberals Don't Want You to Know | The Federalist Papers

Truth About Climate Change Liberals Don't Want You to Know | The Federalist Papers


The Truth About Climate Change Liberals Don’t Want You to Know


Via the Heartland Institute:

“It is the greatest deception in history and the extent
of the damage has yet to be exposed and measured,” says Dr. Tim Ball in
his new book, “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science”.

Dr. Ball has been a climatologist for more than forty years and was
one of the earliest critics of the global warming hoax that was
initiated by the United Nations environmental program that was
established in 1972 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) established in 1988.

Several UN conferences set in motion the hoax that is based on the
assertion that carbon dioxide (CO2) was causing a dramatic surge in
heating the Earth. IPCC reports have continued to spread this lie
through their summaries for policy makers that influenced policies that
have caused nations worldwide to spend billions to reduce and restrict
CO2 emissions.

Manmade climate change—called anthropogenic global warming—continues to be the message though mankind plays no role whatever.


There is no scientific support for the UN theory.

CO2, despite being a minor element of the Earth’s atmosphere, is
essential for all life on Earth because it is the food that nourishes
all vegetation. The Earth has passed through many periods of high levels
of CO2 and many cycles of warming and cooling that are part of the life
of the planet.

“Science works by creating theories based on assumptions,” Dr. Ball
notes, “then other scientists—performing their skeptical role—test them.
The structure and mandate of the IPCC was in direct contradiction of
this scientific method. They set out to prove the theory rather than
disprove it.”

“The atmosphere,” Dr. Ball notes, “is three-dimensional and dynamic,
so building a computer model that even approximates reality requires far
more data than exists and much greater understanding of an extremely
turbulent and complex system.” No computer model put forth by the IPCC
in support of global warming has been accurate, nor ever could be.

Most of the reports were created by a small group of men working
within the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia
and all were members of the IPCC. The result was “a totally false
picture supposedly based on science.”